I think talkin about how its ''stupid'' and such crap to cut yaself isnt fair, you have got to consider, if that person feels so upset or depressed that they see cuttin themselves as the only way out then they must be feelin really bad. I dont think you should down people cuttin themselves unless you've been in the same position as them. Lookin at endin ya life as the only escape means there is troubles in ya life in my opinion
I have depression. I've cut myself. Not on purpose mind you. No matter how depressed I am, if I get hurt, it hurts. Then it just makes me more miserable, because I'm depressed, AND I got hurt. Cutting is pointless. No matter how many times you make yourself bleed, the emotional pain does not, I repeat DOES NOT go away. There's just no justification for it. You wanna kill yourself? Go right ahead, but don't cut yourself open expecting pain to spill out instead of blood. It just won't happen. This has been a public service anouncement from Nate. And now you know, BECAUSE KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! And knowing is half the battle, and I am Captain Planet or whatever.
I think the same way. I deal with depression and I have cut myself before (I was seriously fucked up when I did it and I didn't do it on purpose) and it never made the pain that I was feeling emotionally go away. It actually made things worse for me. I guess I just don't understand the whole "cutting" thing. But yeah, the pain never goes away.
Glad there's at least one intelligent person in the world. I don't look down on people who cut themselves, instead I try to help them out, if they'll let me. People have problems, I understand that, but you don't have to resort to cutting yourself, there's many other options, but people just don't know that anymore, unfortunately. :wth:
I have a bunch of friends who used to cut but stopped because they realized it was stupid, but God knows how many other people at my school do it.
That makes no sense at all. You're depressed about something so you take a knife and slash your wrists to take away the pain [/b][/quote] well i read this book a psychologist wrote. it was about a girl whos a cutter. supposedly cutting replaces your emotional pain with physical pain.. something like that. maybe it just helps for people who take emotional pain more seriously.. or.. something. although im not condoning it. i think for the most part, it annoys me when people do it for attention. i just recently argued with this girl i know. she kept posting bulletins on myspace about how shes anorexic/bulemic and a cutter. then i told her that she just wanted attention, or else she wouldnt be posting it all over the internet. thats just lame. i know kids who say their cutters, but just make little chicken scratches on them. its sad really how self-mutilation is becoming a new trend.
I know this from experience, everytime you look at your scars from cutting yourself only makes you think why you did it in the first place then the memories come back. so cutting yourself doesn't help no one.
I hate people who think that people who cut themselves (cutters sounds offensive to me...not that I cut myself) are different from us. I mean they are just people who believe that mutilating themselves takes away their emotional pain. They think it "lets out their pain" and makes them feel better. Personally, here are my thoughts on it. Pointless, pointless... For one thing, you're leaving scars on yourself. By doing this, you might be scaring people. People will probably try to avoid you when you want attention the most. And I would be a bit freaked out if I had cuts on my arms and all people did was stare at them. How does cutting take away pain? You're adding pain onto yourself. Cutting is a bitch. When I was little, I accidentally cut myself...and it fucking hurts. Now, it's not more painful than emotional pain because physical pain is usually temporary. Emotional pain stays forever. Plus, if you think it takes away pain, why do it if it distracts you from feeling depressed for a good 5 minutes or so? You'll automatically feel depressed after it's done. It's really not worth it. And I see people doing it on purpose at school. This one girl who used to burn herself started cutting for no apparent reason. The girl was never depressed and she was always happy. One of the most popular girls in school. And there are people I know who show cuts like they are their pride and glory. Personally, I almost cry when I see cuts that are put there on purpose. The fact that a friend of mine would do this to herself is too painful to bare. My ex-girlfriend cut herself and I wanted to kill myself for it. You think you're depriving yourself of pain when you might be hurting your friends. The fact that some people do it just for the sake of attention pisses me off and makes me want to scream at them. That is just plain stupidity. I mean, if you're doing it out of sheer emotion I can understand...even though the idea of people thinking it takes away pain just makes me think "lie". So my thinking is: Don't cut yourself. Stop right now. If you want to take away pain, hang with your friends and party. Helps distract me from emotional pain. Basketball camp was so fun that I didn't feel depressed for a whole week. Do something fun. Don't cut yourself. I feel it's wrong.
Just cause she seems happy doesn't mean that she is, alot of people that are depressed wont show it at school therefore you can't judge them on what you see. People who cut themselves because they think it's cool are idiots, complete morons, it is just idiotic. Though people who are depressed and cut themselves I can understand, though i don't think people should cut themselves i can understand that cutting may help relieve their emotional pain. How I don't know, but why would they do it if they still felt depressed. I guess they may get more attention for physical damage than emorional damage.
Just cause she seems happy doesn't mean that she is, alot of people that are depressed wont show it at school therefore you can't judge them on what you see. People who cut themselves because they think it's cool are idiots, complete morons, it is just idiotic. Though people who are depressed and cut themselves I can understand, though i don't think people should cut themselves i can understand that cutting may help relieve their emotional pain. How I don't know, but why would they do it if they still felt depressed. I guess they may get more attention for physical damage than emorional damage. [/b][/quote] I agree with everything you said. Although some people are truly depressed and don't do it just to get attention.
I agree with everything you said. Although some people are truly depressed and don't do it just to get attention. [/b][/quote] I second that. Great point, David.
Just cause she seems happy doesn't mean that she is, alot of people that are depressed wont show it at school therefore you can't judge them on what you see. People who cut themselves because they think it's cool are idiots, complete morons, it is just idiotic. Though people who are depressed and cut themselves I can understand, though i don't think people should cut themselves i can understand that cutting may help relieve their emotional pain. How I don't know, but why would they do it if they still felt depressed. I guess they may get more attention for physical damage than emorional damage. [/b][/quote] This girl was different dude. She told me why and she said it was because two friends of hers did it. I told her that she made a huge mistake. She eventually regretted doing it.
There was a short period of my life when I tried cutting. They weren't there to show off or anything--the scars are on my hips, in a place where only a very few people will see. I just couldn't deal with the mess around me. I can't clearly articulate what made me do it, but I can say that if you tried it, you'd understand.
some people actually feel better after doing that and that really puzzles me. but i feel sorry for the people who do cut their wrist just because of lack of attention .
I personally will never resort to cutting. I can't see it solving any problems & i can't see it making me feel better. If i feel shitty, i'll stick on a CD, not stick metal in my arms. I don't want to sound negative towards cutting, if it helps you then go ahead, but in the end the only differece will be that i won't regret listening to a CD. I've only had experience with "cutters" who do it for attention, and that really pisses me off. You want my sympathy? Fuck off, if you're cutting for attention you deserve to suffer the consequences. Instead of scrathching those little scrapes into your forearm, do it across your neck and do us all a favour.
I agree with Raj about the attention bit but I do sympothise for cutters.However I don't see the point of cutting yourself unless you're trying to commit suicide like my freind did a few months ago and beleive me he went out in a very bad way,3 hours of excrutiating pain bleeding to death,not nice at all.