
Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by dips, Feb 14, 2004.

  1. #41

    Edit to you:

    Not all people cut for attention I hope you know, the only ones that do it for the attention is those that show them off. So next time you make such a statement you'll be better detailed on whom is to show off and whom is to do it for actual relief of emotionl pain.

    I, however, have not done it for attention regardless of what people think.
    I've been a cutter for about four years now, and a burner as well.
    Burnin consists of lighting a lighter (go figure), heating up the top of it and sinnging it into whatever body part the person feels. Or, litteraly burning full flesh with a flame.

    Ways to know if someone is doing it for attention:
    -Cuts on forearm and shows them off to everyone
    ---Pretends to "stratch" arm in the areas where the cuts have been made and makes sure people see the marks.

    Ways to know that they aren't:
    -You find out by way of gossip
    -You actually know the person and caught them cutting themselves
    -They don't flinch while cutting in DEEP
    -The cuts on the wrist or vertical, not horizontal (suicidal people)
    -The cuts are VERY deep
    -They hide the cuts with long shirts and NEVER show them if hardly to anyone besides a really close friend.
    -Cuts on the leg or other unvisible places.

    I cut on the arm (in all places)
    Burn on the hand
    Cut on the legs
    I've scars all about my left leg and arm, I'm not proud of them, and cutting is an addicition for those who've delt with it....

    If I could, I'd stop right now from cutting but so much pain builds up in my life that I can hardly stand it anymore.

    As Anya said, parents can be full of empty promises... unfortunatally... it's true. Choose your friends wisly because later on in life, that's the only real family you'll have.

    I'm lucky enough to have a great dad, although he isn't what I'd call smart, but the guys rather intelligent. We may not agree on things, but yea... we have a great trust thingy going on.

    Me and both my moms? Pah, that's a story all in it's own.

    I'll tell you right now, Anya, you don't want to go to a pyscoward, it isn't a fun place to be.

    Again, I don't do this sh*t to get attention, and I'll tell you what, I'm not one to get offended, but never say that again until you know what you're saying.

    We're not babies, because at least we can take a hell of a lot more heat than you can. And kid, you've probably haven't even seen that SH*T of life yet... [/b][/quote]
    Cutting brings short term relief but long term damage. If you want to stop, are you going to get help?
  2. #42

    dips Banned

    Jun 13, 2003
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    Cutting brings short term relief but long term damage. If you want to stop, are you going to get help? [/b][/quote]
    I am.

    It takes a long time for these things to go away. It's habbit, and like all habbits it takes time to stop it.
  3. #43

    lp_dreamer Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    when im anrgy i usally smash things so i get brusies rather than cuts
  4. #44

    ass_kicker Banned

    Feb 9, 2004
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    i mean why is cutting so bad? i let my wounds heal and all that crap. and i try not to cut in the same place over and over again, except on my legs.
  5. #45

    Derek Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Cutting is bad because it's unhealthy. The body isn't supposed to be injured all the time, and anyone who thinks its healthy isn't that smart.

    It's about the worst thing you can do to your body besides burning, and thank god Danielle is realizing it enough to get help.
  6. #46

    Ppr:Kut Y2K

    Aug 17, 2003
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    I hit my hands to walls when I get really angry, they bruise or I cut my legs or my arms with my nails, I've lots of scars on my legs.... I've never burned myself but I've cut myself twice(with knives)... and I give up... I promised myself that I'm never gonna cut myself again.. still I'm doing that hitting walls thing... I get angry easily.. :wth:
  7. #47

    ass_kicker Banned

    Feb 9, 2004
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    i swear ill kill my mom. shes taking me to a psycologist today. why cant she just f*ck off?
    and ive done the little star on purpose, so please apriciate it. hmm.

    im so tired of this whole crap.
  8. #48

    Trish Y2K LPA VIP

    Nov 5, 2003
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    Burning is a new one...

    I always cut myself. For the first month it was on purpose now it's a habit, everytime I feel depressed or lonley, I do it.

    I don't regret it it.

    The pain goes, or I go.
  9. #49

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I contemplated cutting myself once when I was really, really depressed. I had the knife in my hand and had the blade pressed against my arm. But when I started pressing the blade into my skin, I couldn't do it. I can't stand pain. So instead, I wrote.

    I've learned to overcome depression by writing lyrics... poems, songs, short stories. Most of those lyrics I never show anyone because they're more personal than anything else I post.

    I've also learned that I have 60+ years ahead of me to deal with different things. I'm only 16 years old, and I don't need to scar myself up just because a girl doesn't like me or something.

    That's just me, though.
  10. #50
    Omar A

    Omar A Beyond Science LPA Super Member

    Jul 9, 2003
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    thats exactly what I think/do
  11. #51

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    I've never admitted to cutting myself until now, I guess. I've cut myself before, but my cuts weren't deep enough to kill me. I still have the scars and no one around me knows about them because now they're basically gone. People continuously complain about me being so suicidal, but people don't understand that my life is no where near peachy, though that's usually why we cut in the first place. I've never cut or cried over a relationship or I didn't get something. It's always been something more. My problems had continued to grow since I was about nine or so, and it hit a peak about five months ago or longer to where I couldn't stand it anymore. When I did it, I didn't feel any different and I didn't even care if I had died right there and then. I think a lot of people think that we cut ourselves because we want attention (or so they have made me to believe) where they forget that we're not all emotionally the same and we all live different lives no matter the similarities.

    Recently I'm still thinking about suicide, but I've yet to attempt to cut myself again on purpose :chemist:. Now days I just hit things really hard causing my fists to bleed.
  12. #52

    May Ambient

    Aug 16, 2003
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    i use to cut for about 3 years and recently started to throw up and punch walls (leaving bruises) to feel better. which means yeah i have and trying to get over an eating disorder. i only got over with A LOT of help from my boyfriend. he knocked a lot of sense into me. now slowly he's helping me stop throwing up.
    why throw up? i don't know it just made me feel good. i felt happy because i felt like i was just getting all the bad stuff out plus no scars. but honestly this has been the biggest mistake of my life. it makes you feel good for a little while and then you're back to feeling all depressed. and after you realize what you're doing is wrong you have to try to stop which could take a long time. it took me maybe a year to stop cutting myself.
  13. #53

    ass_kicker Banned

    Feb 9, 2004
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    i would never think about throwing up.. dunno doesnt some to my mind... but i dont get one thing. could somebody clear it for me? WHY dont people understand that some people just want to wait for their death... i mean i cant commit suicide cos im kind of catholic right? and its like this big sin. anyway. so why WHY cant they just let me wait for my death? whats so bad? im still gonna be alive, for goodness sake. im not gonna commit suicide. ill just live through it, and hope every day that maybe maybe today ill have n accident. whats the big deal? why cant they just let you do it? can anyone explain?
  14. #54
    Phantom Duck

    Phantom Duck You are my detonator. LPA Super Member

    Mar 14, 2003
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    Um... because you gotta live? We can't just give up whenever we find difficulties in our lives.
  15. #55

    ass_kicker Banned

    Feb 9, 2004
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    but you are living... its not like you're commiting suicide...
  16. #56
    Phantom Duck

    Phantom Duck You are my detonator. LPA Super Member

    Mar 14, 2003
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    Oh sorry, i misunderstood. Yet, hurting yourself is still leading to a permanent state which is not healthy at all. And heath is what's most important in our lives.
  17. #57

    ass_kicker Banned

    Feb 9, 2004
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    hmm... you do have a point... maybe i was wrong all along. dont know. all i know is that it helps. cutting, i mean. or burning or hurting yourself.
  18. #58

    withnoapologies Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2003
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    i have never cut or burned myself except for one serious occasion...

    it was over the summer last year when my family and I were going to go camping. we were packing, and my dad asked me to bring up some things from the basement (bungy cords, rope, you know). well, in those contents was a filay(sp?) knife. when i was walking up the stairs, i stabbed myself in the foot with it. (i told everyone that the knife fell out of its case and landed on my foot)

    if the knife had gone one milimeter deeper, my foot would have been amputated. that scared me a lot and i decided never to do that again. eventhough the cutting that you guys are refering to isn't as serious(i mean in a physical injury state) i dont want to do it anymore.

    yes i know, i am crazy.... purposely stabbing myself.... almost losing a foot... but i was extremely depressed.
  19. #59

    ass_kicker Banned

    Feb 9, 2004
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    man stabbing yourself is bad... but im glad you're over it. is it better now? with your depression i mean...
  20. #60

    withnoapologies Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2003
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    well, after stabbing myself, i got better, but now im back to major depression, not as serious as before though... but I'll be ok.... hopefully.

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