if someone want to increase my chances to win LP tickets: http://www.warnermusic.de/gewinnspi...=bWljaGVsZS5kaWdpYW5uaTRAZ29vZ2xlbWFpbC5jb20=
6:10 - 7:24 - Hit the Floor/Nobody's Listening - Scratch Sample (Verse, Bridge/Bridge) [The first seems to be the verse scratch sample for HTF, the second is only used in bridge for HTF, you can hear this sample when Joe lets the sample run, but it's clearly different from the verse scratch / The second sample is also used coming out of the bridge on Nobody's Listening] 7:24 - 8:38 - Lying from You - Scratch Sample (Bridge) [This sample seems to be out of place on the vinyl, but it's very clearly the sample scratched in LFY] 8:38 - 9:23 - Hit the Floor - Synth Pad (Verses) [Joe also uses a pitch shifter throughout the verses on this sample] 9:23 - 10:31 - Hit the Floor - Synth Pad (Post-Chorus?) 10:35 - 10:37 - Easier to Run - Guitar Sample (Bridge/Outro Chorus) [Guitar with flanger effect that leads from the bridge to the final choruses] 10:37 - 11:47 - Easier to Run - Scratch Sample (Pre-Chorus) [Just the second sample is scratched, the first might be adapted for the additional electronic percussion in the verses] 11:47 - 12:01 - Easier to Run - Synth Sample (Intro) [The synth pad that starts the song] Nothing to see here This whole Meteora 20 has put me back down rabbit holes