Granted, but then she would win and turn your name into something malicious... I wish I could make the LPU Chat.
Granted. You now have the super human ability of olfaction. Particularly with human waste. Smell ya later. I wish I could lose only 35 pounds.
Granted, but it's British pounds, which means you are flat broke. I wish someone didn't drink all of my Killian's Irish Red.
Granted, it was poured down the sink instead. I wish that I could have had Chinese food for lunch today.
Granted, Now Preparation H will have to be renamed to Pageant Preparation. I wish I could get more sleep.
Granted, but layoffs will begin tomorow. I wish my username color was something different then yellow.
Granted, but then your computer is stolen while you sleep. I wish that Chester would give some awesome info on album 5 today.
Granted, but Mike kicks Chester out of the band for revealing all that info. I wish my laptop would fix up.