This Finnish band always reminds me of Linkin Park some weird way. [video=youtube;OOCQr7o2nnI][/video]
I didn't really enjoy Robot Boy too, but after I read following link, I suddenly really liked the song:
If you are a true linkin park fan then you respect any kind of music they make. You like them no matter what path they choose.
Whoever said Green Day isn't a thing anymore, I agree. How do you release three albums in six months and they all flopped?
The Lorde/Billboard awards situation is a bit different from what Mike Shinoda/Blake in this thread have been talking about though. Lorde being included in a rock category is a mistake. Her music takes no cues that I can hear from any sort of rock music. Billboard probably just figured that if they could squeeze Lorde into the rock category (hey it's all introverted white people music right?), that would leave more room in the pop category for more big names. Which means more viewers. That's a totally isolated incident though, and I think anyone would be hard pressed to find other real examples of this from mainstream radio. Billboard fucked up (on purpose probably).
My original rant was actually influenced by the Billboard Awards though, and how they were looping artists that weren't "rock" into the rock category. The mentioning of Octane not playing 'hard rock' anymore, kinda just steamrolled from that.
As much as I like Imagine Dragons, I don't like considering them a "rock" band. From the previews of their new song "battle Cry", it seems they used dubstep-ish stuff in it. Actually, that would be because there weren't any songs that were impressive. Just songs that were "okay".
Where the hell did that post of the picture of The Hunting Party in a jewel case go? I don't care if it was a fake(maybe it wasn't?), it was still cool.
I'm sorry, I deleted it because after I reviewed the page I found it on. Turns out it wasn't anything official from the band, but just fan created. But here it is... Got it off this Fan Album Page on FB...!/LinkinParkTheHuntingParty
This. I enjoy Imagine Dragons but I don't consider them rock. The definition of rock is a bit subjective anyway today. But is it necessary to put labels on artists? It's why I enjoy Linkin Park. They don't let a genre restrain them. But meh. Just my two cents.
Guess Muse and Korn aren't rock bands then. [youtube]KYHLar--tac[/youtube] [youtube]CUOlc_j4rMA[/youtube]
To be fair, what KoRn did with their music was what some of the 'rock has gone too electronic' critics were complaining about. Granted, I haven't been into or really listened to KoRn since like 2003-2004, so what they were doing with their music didn't really concern me...but still.
To be honest, Muse is just as much a rock band as LP is. That song "2nd law - isolated system" is just one of many various genres Muse play with on their latest album. The band may not be as heavy as they used to be, but there is no denying that songs like "Supremancy", "Survival", "Animals" "Liquid State" have hard rock influences in them. And in regards to KoRn? Well wasn't "The path of totality" just a one time thing? Judging by the controversial reception that album got I'd be surprised if the band continued down the dup-step route. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
Rant wise about what's "rock" music now.. I think it's just a waste of time. I sum it up as a case of "Father Time" has reached our ears. Hiphop & Rap is also being affected so this isn't just rock. I think it's all music in general. I am from latino decent and grew up with Salsa, what we have now is some mashed up crap named as Reggeaton that now it's trying to pass it's self into different varieties of spanish music mixed in. Not limited to Bachata + Reggeaton. It's whatever.. but no point to go crazy about. Look foward to LP album we must. I haz monies in hands. LP TAKE MY MONEY. I can say the same thing about "cartoons". We went from Bugs Bunny "Looney Tunes" and "Tom & Jerry" to Uncle Grampa and Adventure Time (love adventure time) but it's a serious WTF IS GOING ON HERE!? moment. Then I chuck it to.. "ah yes.. I am just getting old.., starting to sound like my parents :|"
This is the reaction I was expecting. People don't "declassify" acts like Muse and KoRn because of their dubstep elements, so why do we have people saying, "Imagine Dragons isn't rock, they do dubstep stuff"?
The Path of Totality was a one-off thing that was originally going to be an EP. They ended up collaborating with more EDM producers than they originally anticipated and extended it into a full album. Their next album (The Paradigm Shift) was a much more straight-forward rock record though it still had electronic elements here and there (which isn't surprising since they've had electronics on almost every album since Follow the Leader).