I never really analyzed in depth the WFTE video until recently when a friend of mine who likes doing 3d models and animations told me that video blew him away because of all the complexity in terms of animation and effects it had, he says it's his favorite LP video of all time. Then I started to watch it with him and that's when I started to truly appreciate how amazingly well that video is done.
http://www.medalofhonor.com/unlock-video-castle-of-glass At 2 million downloads they unlock a teaser video! Can we know how many downloads does it have?
well on xbox live it says there is a little over 1400 ratings, don't know how much that helps, but if it is close around that then there is no point on waiting for 3 million downloads
If that were the case then they (EA) would have announced that the Army of Two Devil's Cartel masks were unlocked at least, which I don't recall they ever did.
Tomorrow is the day and one thing is certain, it hasnt even reached 1 million downloads. Simply Pathetic
^ That's what happens when you limit the Beta downloads to people who have XBOX (and so, XBOX Live). And on top of that, limit it to people who have Gold membership from what I've heard. Oh well, not long until the video's out now anyway. Not fussed about the game, I'll stick to my AC3 and Halo 4 thanks