wouldnt torture be better then? im quite serious actually, even though i think they should just die in prison.
I think that if someone does a really bad crime. They should be sentenced to life in prison instead of the death penalty. Life in prison is much worse than the death penalty IMO.
I believe in an eye for an eye to a point. For instance i think that if someone slices a persons' throat they should experience some penalty worse than a few years in prison, if its the death penalty, so be it.
Ya pyro if someone has their back to you, you can not shoot them. Even if they have your daughter hostage. Its really pathetic. Our justice system has sooo many flaws.
In extreme cases i think the death penalty is suitable. Because one person took many peoples lives, so therefore he should have his life taken away. It should also be used in the case of first degree murder. once again you had the criminal intent to kill another human being so therfore you should be killed. If you can't be a functional member of society you shouldn't be part of it. Sure it would be nice to let the dude rot in jail with a life sentence, but the problem that arises in Canada is that a life sentence is only 25 years, and there is a chance of parole after serviong only 2/3 of your sentence. So therefore Canada's life sentence is useless and too soft. Plus it's a proven statistic that it costs society more to keep a man in prison than what it is to kill a man.
If the charge is serious enough and there is much evidence to prove it, then yes the death penalty would be suitable.
i'm gonna get real personal here.... the people that killed my dad got twelve life sentences for doing so. HOWEVER, in delaware, which is where they were convicted, one life sentence is only 60 years. THEREFORE, if you got one life sentence when you were 18, you could be out when you are 76. hmm.......i know a lot of people that lived to be older than 76, but that is just me. next, in maryland, where i live, the death penalty is not given to juveniles or the mentally retarded, but in maryland you are tried as an adult starting at age 17. very hypocritical if you ask me.
Hey Rosanna thanks for opening up to us and sharing about yourself I know that stuff can be hard to talk about and tell people about.
Two ways to look at it IMO: If they kill some one or some people you do the same back with the death penalty. Like people say "Don't give what you dont want to recieve." So you could call the death penalty fair On the other hand its a cowards way out and just is a way out of the suffering of prison and the punishments you could get if you were still alive which could be so bad you wish you were dead.
i think it is a bunch of bullshit. people should not kill people. i dont even know how the executioners can live with themselves after they murder someone...but that is just me. besides the fact that killing someone does spend more of the taxpayers' money than putting them in jail for life, contrary to popular belief.
I don't believe in the death penalty. It makes the government and people that gave the person that sentence just as bad as the murderer. And I thought we dropped the "Eye for an eye" ideal awhile ago. I say life in prison is bad enough.