Speaking of LP, this album is like their equivalent to THP for me. Just an odd step back within their overall progression
Just cause BMTH didn't keep going more pop doesn't mean this is a step back for them. Metal band's gonna make metal. BMTH at their roots have been metal since day one when they opened out the gate with deathcore
Anyway, hasn't it been said that they will drop couple of EP's like this over time, and each one will have a completely different sound? This one is obviously going the heavy road, and also pays tribute to a lot of early 2000 rock. Also, lots of (early) Linkin park references all over this EP, both musically and lyrically. But I would not be surprised if the next one goes super-pop, or super downtempo-chill.
Hey look at this consistent trend in change of style for this band! Oh look, right here they went back to a sound similar to what they used to do before. Weird.... almost like they went back... idk, maybe I have my directions mixed up
Going back to an old sound isnt always a bad thing. In fact, in cases like this its a good thing since the band was drastically going downhill. Not every band in the world can just drastically change sound and have it sound great like Linkin Park did with A Thousand Suns. So going back to the roots were good here.
Highly contested. Listen, I'm not gonna say that for every fan of BMTH that this is a bad move. But for fans like me, this is a step back in terms of sound and quality. Which brings me right back to THP
The pop stuff was a metal band making pop. This is a return to what they do. If anything was a weird turn, it was the pop. This is a metal band making metal.
So fucking thick A natural progression away from their heavier metal core sound across 3 albums and 1 EP and then suddenly going back to a sound more reminiscent of their first 3 projects makes it the weird turn. How is a slow progression away from metalcore and experimenting with other genres the weird turn This just in, Linkin Park makes weird turn to not make a nu-metal album for the 3rd time in a row with Living Things. When will this band ever make another nu-metal project?? its the only logical thing What? I mean, I liked the album, so it was step back on track for the band for me after the mistep that was THP.
A band musical evolution doesn't have to be a smooth unidirectional journey (like : Metal > Rock > Pop ). Weird turns are fun - they make it less predictable. It will alienate some fans, always (those who want more heavy, those who want the alternative stuff, etc) When a band start to release the same stuff all the time, and stop evolving (in whatever direction), then it might become a bit dull. But I am not too worried here
It looks like there's only one person taking this really personally and seriously 30STM thread part 2 amirite