Body Transformations

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Nobody Can Shave Me Now, Oct 24, 2011.

  1. #81

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Keep up the good work, man. Have you not eaten anything because you don't want to, or do you just not have the time?

    I think I'll do some weigh-ins, too. I'm at 178 right now. I've been fluctuating between 175-180+ for about a year now, and it's fucking ridiculous. I've been losing, gaining, losing, gaining, losing. . . . I need to stay away from the ice cream and shit. But I've been eating clean for a couple of weeks now and getting nice results. The only "cheating" I've done is the occasional cup of hot cocoa, but a man's got to have a vice, right? Anyway, 170-ish is my goal weight, and I've been losing about a pound a week (losing slowly is best when you're just trying to drop a small amount of weight, I find).
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2012
  2. #82

    Hybrid Has gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    That's awesome, Tim! You keep it up too! I didn't eat because I didn't find time. I had a sandwich for lunch though. I kept fluctuating too. It gets annoying. This is the first time this year that I'm under 230, so I'm happy about that. I'll try to do weigh-ins every couple of weeks or so... That way it can keep me focused. I'm not killing myself with a diet either... Just more conscious.
  3. #83

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Yeah, it's not worth it to try and force yourself to eat a lot of foods that you don't want to eat, not right away at least. One step at a time.
  4. #84

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    I'm starting week 5 tomorrow. Going to switch up the lifting routine each month to hopefully stimulate the muscles more.

    I'm at about 162. I think all that weight I gained right away was just from all the food and water in my body. I'll probably slowly gain from here on out as my body starts turning that into muscle and some fat.

    I'm pretty happy after the first month. I actually quit sprints the last 2 weeks because I felt like my body was using too much energy and my muscles weren't recovering very well. I think I'll start it up again this month since my body should be better adjusted to the stress and recover quicker. I didn't want to injure myself early on.

    I saw some gain in size, but nothing significant. I did get quite a bit stronger already, which is really nice. I expect the next few months to show a decent increase in size since my body will be able to handle more weight more efficiently and I won't have to worry about hurting myself from lifting too much like I was this first month. I wish I had the body type that could easily put on muscle and weight so I wouldn't have to eat so much goddamn food, because I literally feel full and bloated the entire day. I know I'm putting on fat along with this muscle too because I'm simply eating everything I can so my body has the most energy possible to create muscle. I'm sure there's days where I eat too much and it just turns to fat. But it's pretty much all I can do to ensure weight gain. Hopefully in 6 months or something I can reach a size I like and start eating less.
  5. #85

    Promofrog Banned

    Apr 4, 2012
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    Losing weight is probably the most difficult task to tackle, food addiction is worse than many drug addictions as it normally begins in childhood and is percieved as right.

    For instance you can eat a burger in front of someone and they don't care, stick a needle in your arm though and people go apeshit.
  6. #86

    Anya Lost LPA Super VIP

    Aug 20, 2003
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    I've been trying to lose weight lately myself, but I get really bored with running and going to the gym. A friend of mine had me join a Roller Derby league in January and I LOVE it. It's been a great way for me to get exercise and do something that really excites me! I've lost a little weight here and there, but I only go two times a week and I don't eat all too healthy sometimes. I just moved into a house with a my boyfriend almost a year ago and I find it hard to spend money on healthier food since it's so much more expensive! I also don't really cook but it looks like I'm going to have to start trying. I also may skate outside of my normal practice with roller derby once I can find the time.
  7. #87

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    Just some pointers:

    -Switching up the lifting routine each month isn't recommended. Switch it up when you plateau instead.
    -The body-type you're talking about would be an endomorph.
    -Gaining muscle without a little bit of fat is next to impossible
    -You shouldn't be 'eating everything you can'. Doesn't work that way.
    -Stick to lean proteins
    -Carbs = energy
    -Reduce intake of white carbs
    -Increase intake of brown carbs
    -Stay away from frozen & processed foods.
    -Quality food equals quality gains.
  8. #88
    Nobody Can Shave Me Now

    Nobody Can Shave Me Now Formerly known as Ron Jeremy LPA VIP

    May 30, 2009
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  9. #89

    @LP2K12 Est. 2K12

    Mar 20, 2003
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    Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition! Before I joined the Army I was about 290 lbs, after nine weeks of basic training I was 215 lbs. I went on to advanced training and by the end of that (another six months) I came home at 175.

    I got married and we had children. Lots of stress, crappy food and inactivity bumped me back to 275. I started small with the things I learned in the Army. I cut out ALL soda. Yes, even diet. Our bodies convert natural sugars better than any of the synthetic crap in diet sodas. When I absolutely have to have something sweet besides water I'll do homemade 1/2 unsweetened iced tea mixed with 1/2 sweetened iced tea. However, mostly it's water all day for me.

    I keep track of the food I eat on the LiveStrong website, they have a great calorie tracker that syncs with the iPhone through an app. My gym also has an iPhone app. I've also found one called GymPact that's pretty cool. Basically, you bet on yourself. I believe the minimum is still $5. You say, I will go to my gym three times this week. If I don't, I have to pay GymPact $5 (the money is an award to people who meet their goal).

    I'm kind of in the same boat as Derek. I looked in the mirror one day and felt disgusting. Then I thought about how that image fell on my children. How would they view nutrition and exercise if I kept following this path?

    The change has to be for you. Kudos to everyone trying to lead a healthier life.

    Here's a good example. Heck, you don't even have to look at my body, you can see the weight gain in my face.

    190084_17348710968_500055968_84_6215_n.jpg 216361_17348495968_500055968_175202_6588_n.jpg 13633_198213450968_500055968_3569527_4775760_n.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2012
  10. #90
    Nobody Can Shave Me Now

    Nobody Can Shave Me Now Formerly known as Ron Jeremy LPA VIP

    May 30, 2009
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  11. #91

    ZoeLinkingal The Unforgiving

    Apr 7, 2012
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    Well, since everybody is posting their story, I'll post mine as well.

    I used to be a VERY active kid but not anymore. here's my timeline, as far as I can remember:

    2004 - 2005, 9 - 10 years old, Primary 3 & 4: This 2 years were the most active part of my life. I had these group of male friends, we always play together. My school CCA is basketball and 2 times a week we had training, almost 4 days a week after school me and my friends would stay back until 6:30pm and just keep playing basketball. Every weekend we would run in the playground, play block catching (in SIngapore, we have HDB flats, 15 storey high and we use the whole block of flats and play a game of tag, it's insanely tiring but fun) In this phase, my older brother was hogging the computer all the time so I basically kept going out to play, it kept me fit, I had alot of stamina.

    2006 - 2007, 11 - 12 years old, Primary 5 & 6: Streaming year, all my friends seperated as we moved up, some went to better classes some went to lesser classes. We didn't hang out or play basketball anymore, my lifestyle began slacking. At the middle of 2007, there was a big national exam and we had to quit our CCAs to focus, I began staying at home and playing computer games after the national exam and that's when my stamina lowered and my weight increased.

    2008 - 2009, 13 - 14 years old, Secondary 1 & 2: Here, my CCA changed to field hockey but my stamina was no good and I was usually the last to finish the running laps but I still managed to run 3 rounds around the hockey field without stopping, but my speed was not as it used to be anymore. In the middle of 2008, I also moved house to landed property, there were no playgrounds, no blocks and no courts to play in anymore, my neighbors were strangers then so I did not go out and exercise much.

    2010 - 2011, 15 - 16 years old, Secondary 3 & 4: In the middle of 2010, my relationship with my teammates in hockey went from bad to worst so I quitted the CCA. I guess it was because I was not as good as them so they usually give me the cold shoulder. Basketball was my forte but my school didn't have basketball for girls and sports was the only thing I was interested in so I chose hockey. After I quited, I didn't take up another because I wanted to study for another national exam - the 'O' Levels in mid 2011. Around end of 2010, I had some family problems and had to stay at home so I couldn't go to school for about 2 and a half months. Since I wasn't active anymore my weight increased and stamina dropped to an all time low.

    2012 - 17 years old, Pre-University Year 1: Now, I managed to pass the exam after all but my stamina is really low now, I can only run at most 2 rounds the field without stopping, 4 rounds with some walking but took me about 15mins, which is bad considering the requirement for my age is complete 6 rounds in less than 18mins.

    My stamina is at an all time low and my diet is worst. I'm trying to save money so I don't eat well. I eat 2 slices of bread with peanut butter for breakfast and lunch, the only real nutrition I get is during dinner. by dinner I would be extremely hungry and sometimes over eat. School ends about 6pm everyday, I can't exercise much except for friday, sat and sundays but I can't get the motivation to exercise because my stamina fails me and I always feel depressed when I can't achieve :(
  12. #92

    Erica Meh LPA Über VIP

    Sep 3, 2010
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    Drop the bread dude. Ny sister lost a bunch of weight just cutting down on all the bread she'd been eating. Replace it with fruit and veggies
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2012
  13. #93

    ZoeLinkingal The Unforgiving

    Apr 7, 2012
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    Seriously? Wow, I think I would ask my mother to buy more on fruits and vegetables and stop buying bread.
  14. #94

    Hybrid Has gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Over 21 pounds!
  15. #95

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Nice job, Hybrid! Keep it up, and you'll be lean and mean in no time.

    I was down to 172 last time I checked. Still got a little bit of dough around the waist, though, so I'm going to keep plugging away.
  16. #96

    Kameiko Ketchup Face

    May 12, 2011
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    I like this thread. I am on my own regimine to lose weight (3 weeks and counting i Can tell i lost weight in my legs already with the constant walking I do).

    Cutting out the soda wasn't all that hard for me since I stopped since January 1st of this year. I am committed to not drink it either. Even though Vanilla Coke is my all time favorite, and seeing it when I go to Florida makes me me want to bang my head against the wall.

    The only problem I have with this is that I eat too much of the same foods that are good for me. Variety is def not on my list, but I do work out, lift weights, walking, and eating right.

    I made a lot of sacrifices to get to where I am. I won't know how much I weigh till I get to the doctor, because I don't like scales in my apartment. Having scales just scares me, and I would want to get on it every day checking and checking...As for counting calories I don't do that. I do force myself to drink Orange Juice no matter how much I hate it xD.
  17. #97

    TattooedMommy Member

    May 15, 2012
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    this is so hard to say knowing so many people will read this but at my heaviest i was 306. after having 3 kids having numerous operations i put on alot of weight. i felt miserable. i had no energy. i had no will power. i finally gave in and bought an elliptical and a bottle of the weight loss medicine alli. i ate right and followed it to the "t". after the first week, 10 pounds down. i was amazed! so far i have lost 50 pounds after a year. i still have a long ways to go but its a start1
  18. #98

    Minus ohai LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Awesome work TattooedMommy! keep it up!

    I've been stagnant these last few weeks due to going out on lavish dinners with my girl and not getting nearly enough sleep or time to work out. But hey, being stagnant is better than putting weight back on, right?
  19. #99

    Sonic Searching for the last Chaos Emerald... LPA Super Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    Like many, I am trying to lose weight, too. So what me and my girlfriend got involved in is the INSANITY program. Now, I'm not following it to a T, but I do the workout 5 times a week, even though it's supposed to be 6, and go to the gym for an hour or so on the "rest day".

    I don't wanna be all ripped and shit, I just wanna lose 20-30 pounds. When I started I was 206 as now I've lost about 10 pounds. I cut out soda and changed me diet completely buly drinking more water, eating more fruits and vegetables, and just overall really paying more attention to what I'm taking in.

    Even though the weight isn't just falling off the cliff, I never worked out, now I'm working out 6 times a week and walking wherever I can. I don't run much because it's hard on my knees from wrestling almost 10 years. I think it's pretty good. The program lasts until July 8th, so we'll see where I'm at then. If I can get down to 180 I'll be stoked. We'll see.
    Last edited: May 21, 2012
  20. TattooedMommy

    TattooedMommy Member

    May 15, 2012
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    its nice to be able to get on here and see that we have support of others struggling with the same battle. im glad this thread got started!

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