Neither of those. Maybe "AVA officially copying Blink-182" Edit: Travis posted some pics of his arm operation on his Myspace and said "see you in 8 to 10 weeks".
I'm not really waiting for this because I fear it being a major let down... I hope it's not cause I love blink, but I think it has more potential to not meet expectations then it does to meet them. I'm worried for them, but oh well. We will see. All I care about is that I now have a chance to see them live!
Two years ago I'd be so stoked (it's Blink 182, I can use 2002 slang) I wouldn't be able to sleep, right now I'm a bit more sceptic and you know what, it sucks. I want to be super stoked about this.
I think I'll be super stoked when we get some demo's or samples. Until they, I have NO IDEA what it will sound like, and after watching the AvA documentary DVD I really doubt Tom would use AvA BIG SOUNDING effects and whatnot. But I love AvA and basically anything Tom and Mark have done so I don't think I'll be let down.
I'm just glad they're back together. As far as anticipating what they might do next I don't think they've done much to justify people being that excited, or the opposite. But, you know, rather them than All Time Low and Simple Plan.
There's just gonna be several issues with it for me... a) I don't listen to anything in the style of blink anymore. I will listen to old blink songs but I'd never really get into another band of that style anymore. My music taste has completely changed since then. b) I'm not exactly in love with their last release. If it is like take off your pants or enema, it will be good, but I have a feeling it will lean towards their self titled in which case they are going to need to work really hard to impress me. c) If it sounds anything remotely close to AvA I will hate it. Don't get me wrong, I like AvA here and there, but if it's AvA with the blink name attached it will annoy me. d) The above one is similar to plus 44, except if it sounds like +44, I will prbly just be relieved it doesn't sound like AvA haha. to sum up c & d, if I listen to +44 and AvA, and ignore the fact that they previously were blink-182, I couldn't even come close to imagining them being capable of sounding like blink. I can't picture either band playing blink music without you being able to sound distinctly like their band. So if it does sound like +44 or AvA, I am going to be upset and consider it a failed attempt. aka I want a new blink record before either of the new bands were even formed! I guess I'll just wait for the demo's
Well Barnes, it's a part of them growing up musically, mentally (dick and fart jokes), and physically haha. Of course it won't sound like Pants & Jacket, if it does..They would most likely just do those songs for the fans, but I see them creating NEW Blink. It's Tom, Mark and Travis, not Tom's grand idea for AvA (Which, yes was all ideas primarily from Tom and he directed the other band members what to do but still gave some room for their own style.) +44 was SUPPOSED to be primarily an electronic project and experimentation. It kept the guitars crunchy and all but there were still a lot of electronic beats and whatnot that Travis did.
Tomorrow is the first day of Blink-182 full band rehearsals for the upcoming summer tour. Mark tweeted that he would try to post pictures.