If you listened to the free stream iTunes generously gave us than you are probably aware of how incredible this album really is. Maybe you don't think it's good, I don't know but from hearing it twice I can't see any Linkin Park fan disliking this album. It's two soon for me to create a review on this album but I can however give you my favorite and least favorite tracks on this album. Favorite Track: LOST IN THE ECHO This track is just incredibly epic from start to end. It's the classic LP we all know in their Prime. Rating: 10/10 Least Favorite: VICTIMIZED I respect the uniqueness of this track and I actually do love mikes rap in it. What I don't enjoy so much is how Chester sings this. Chester's lyrics/melody aren't so great, even though his screams are pretty enjoyable. Rating: 9/10 What is your Favorite and Least favorite song from LIVING THINGS?
Best: Victimized, damn, LP just have turned to hardcore rap-punk, this song is just...damn, it's just fucking headbanging. Rob's drums are insane, Brad just doin' the best of his work at the band, the eternal forgotten the last years. Least: Can't decide. This is the first LP record since Meteora that I just enjoy like a child with every single song
I haven't felt like this since I ripped open HT on Christmas Day and popped it into my computer. I feel 14 again.
Favourite so far: LOST IN THE ECHO, IN MY REMAINS, CASTLE OF GLASS, VICTIMIZED, ROADS UNTRAVELLED, PORWERLESS (can't really choose only one) Least favourite: BURN IT DOWN
Favorite: UNTIL IT BREAKS - Full on Rastanoda, along with the inclusion of a verse from Brad Delson. Definitely the most surprising track on the album, even after them premiering a verse during the tour. Worst: BURN IT DOWN - Really not that great of a track especially after comparing it to the rest of the album. But I guess they needed to have something to release for their first single.
They were definitely "on some What I've Done shit" on Burn It Down. But I get it, gotta make Warner happy and write a generic first single for them. They threw LP a bone with The Catalyst.
Best Tracks: Track one an two. And track four to track twelve. Reasons: Burn it Down? I don't know that crap, I'm hearing LITE.
Victimized was pretty bad. I'm hoping it's this albums Blackout and will eventually grow on me, but damn was that weak.
Best: Skin to Bone and Castle of Glass Worst: Burn It Down Killed in the hype machine: Lost in the Echo and Victimized
Ok, proper post. Lost on the Echo is the clear winner for best song on the album. Would have made for a killer album closer. Victimized is just ass though.
Best: Lost In The Echo, In My Remains, Castle of Glass, Roads Untraveled Worst: Victimized, Until It Breaks
Favorites: In My Remains, I'll Be Gone, Castle of Glass, Until It Breaks, Powerless. Least Favorite: Victimized. I still like it, though I expected much better from it.