I feel like their opening songs in the last few albums are some of their best. LITE and NCSM are fucking A1 pop LP
I see a lot of people here hating Don't Stay but I honestly love that song. I think I still had it 4th or 5th on my list of openers though because they are so good at opening albums! I also think they are really, really good at closing albums. The only LP opener I don't like is KTTK
Openers 1. Lost in the Echo 2. The Requiem/The Radience/Burning in the Skies 3. Nobody Can Save Me 4. Papercut 5. Keys to the Kingdom 6. Given Up 7. Don't Stay Closers 1. A Line in the Sand 2. Powerless 3. Numb 4. Sharp Edges 5. Pushing Me Away 6. The Little Things Give You Away 7. The Messenger
It's weird for me because MTM has one of the weakest openings and closings even though I love both songs but Meteora has the worst opening imo but my favorite closer
Openers Nobody Can Save Me Keys to the Kingdom Papercut Lost in the Echo Wake The Requiem Don't Stay Closers Sharp Edges Powerless The Little Things Give You Away The Messenger Pushing Me Away A Line in the Send Numb
Openers 1. Given Up 2. Papercut 3. Lost In The Echo 4. No One Can Save Me 5. Keys To The Kingdom 6. Requiem 7. Don't Stay Closers 1. TLTGYA 2. Powerless 3. Numb 4. Sharp Edges 5. Pushing Me Away 6. A Line In The Sand 7. The Messenger
Openers: 1. The Requiem > The Radiance > Burning In The Skies 2. Papercut 3. Nobody can save me 4. Wake > Given Up 5. Keys To The Kingdom 6. Lost in the Echo 7. Foreword > Don't Stay Closers: 1. Little Things Give You Away 2. The Messenger 3. Sharp Edges 4. Powerless 5. A Line In The Sand 6. Pushing Me Away 7. Numb
Openers: 1) Papercut 2) Lost In The Echo 3) The Requiem/The Radiance/Burning In The Skies 4) Keys To The Kingdom 5) Nobody Can Save Me 6) Wake/Given Up 7) Foreword/Don't Stay Closers: 1) The Little Things Give You Away 2) A Line In The Sand 3) Sharp Edges (maybe because it's still fresh, but I really like SE; it works surprisingly well as a closer) 4) Numb 5) Powerless 6) Pushing Me Away 7) The Messenger (I absolutely love that song, but I seems a little out of place as a closer, kinda like an added Bonus Track)
It is like Mario Kart standings 1st Place= 7 points 2nd Place= 6 points 3rd Place= 5 points 4th Place= 4 points 5th Place= 3 Points 6th Place= 2 Points 7th Place= 1 Point I will update this later today with the most up to date results
I think the reason people hate on Don't Stay is because they quickly realize it's edgy to be edgy. Any normal person wouldn't say "don't stay." They would say "go" or "leave."
Openers 1. The Radiance - The Requiem - Burning in the Skies 2. Foreword - Don't Stay 3. Lost in the Echo 4. Keys to the Kingdom 5. Papercut 6. Nobody Can Save Me 7. Wake - Given Up Closers 1. The Messenger 2. Sharp Edges 3. The Little Things Give You Away 4. Pushing Me Away 5. Tinfoil - Powerless 6. Numb 7. A Line in the Sand
Opener: 1. Papercut 2. Given Up 3. Lost In The Echo 4. Don't Stay 5. Requiem/Radiance/Bits 6. Keys To The Kingdom 7. Nobody Can Save Me (For the record I really like this song, my favorite on OML, it's just that other album openers are stronger) Closer: 1. Numb 2. Little Things 3. Powerless 4. Pushing Me Away 5. Sharp Edges 6. A Line in the Sand 7. The Messenger
Opener Songs: Papercut The Requiem/The Radiance/Burning in the Skies Wake/Given Up Nobody Can Save Me Lost in the Echo Keys to the Kingdom Foreword/Don't Stay I actually don't hate Don't Stay, just not the best opener choice. Closer Songs: The Little Things Give You Away The Messenger Sharp Edges A Line in the Sand Powerless Pushing Me Away Numb Numb is not good as a closer in my opinion. It ends the album fine enough but it doesn't really close it. Meteora more just ends and you're like "Oh, that was the end." I feel Powerless and Pushing Me Away also kind of fall into this but they kinda work as closers at least a little. Mmm...Runaway and Lies Greed Misery border very close if you ask me.
LPA COLLECTIVE TIER LIST Hello everyone. Thank you for participating in this thread so far I am taking @Mark 's idea and using a mathematical equation to generate an "LPA tier list." So here are the results as of @mmmmtastycookies 's post and I will keep editing the results as more votes come in. NOTE(EDIT): I updated this post and forgot to refresh the page to double check if anything new was posted. @Captain-EO 's post will be counted in the next update. ALBUM OPENERS: 1. The Requiem/The Radiance/Burning In the Skies- 208 points. 2. Lost In the Echo- 198 points. 3. Papercut- 196 points. 4. Nobody Can Save Me- 152 points. 5. Wake/Given Up- 145 points. 6. Keys to the Kingdom- 120 points. 7. Foreword/Don't Stay- 81 points. ALBUM CLOSERS: 1. The Little Things Give You Away- 202 points. 2. A Line In the Sane- 173 points. 3. Powerless- 150 points. 4. Sharp Edges- 143 points. 5. Pushing Me Away- 127 points. 6. Numb- 122 points. 7. The Messenger- 112 points. MOST COMMON PLACING BY SONG: Papercut- 1st Place Foreword/Don't Stay- 7th Place Wale/Given Up- 6th Place The Requiem/The Radiance/Burning In the Skies- 1st Place Lost In the Echo- 3rd Place Keys to the Kingdom- 4th Place Nobody Can Save Me- 3rd Place Pushing Me Away- 5th Place Numb- 6th Place The Little Things Give You Away- 1st Place The Messenger- 7th Place Powerless- 4th Place A Line In the Sand- 1st Place Sharp Edges- 3rd and 4th Place tied RANDOM FACTS: Don't Stay is the only song without a first place vote Every song has been placed at least once in each possible placing except Don't Stay which has not received a 1st or 3rd place vote. Don't Stay is the first song to score 20 votes in only placing (7th). The Little Things Give You Away is universally loved. It is the only song with double digit votes in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. It is also the only song to have less than 10 votes from 4th-7th place combined. No order in the songs changed from the last update.
Top Openers: The Requiem/The Radiance/Burning In The Skies Lost In The Echo Nobody Can Save Me Papercut Keys To The Kingdom Wake/Given Up Foreword/Don't Stay Top Closers: The Little Things Give You Away A Line In The Sand The Messenger Powerless Sharp Edges Pushing Me Away Numb
Openers: 1) Papercut 2) Don't Stay 3) Lost in the Echo 4) Given Up 5) Burning in the Skies 6) Nobody Can Save Me 7) Keys to the Kingdom Closers: 1) Pushing Me Away 2) The Little Things Give You Away 3) Powerless 4) Sharp Edges 5) The Messenger 6) A Line in the Sand 7) Numb