Lovely video, I think there are some flashes of the bridge from *that* photoshoot the other day? The song is freaking catchy and I find myself singing the chorus repeatedly. I can't wait for this album but I won't listen to any more songs until the full LP is out (or leaked )
Again, my issue isn't with the genre or the softness of the song. Linkin Park has blended genres for their entire existence and experimented constantly with different sounds. My issue is the lack of originality and the failure to use certain elements of the band well. As an example, I don't think this vocal style suits Chester's voice. It makes his voice sound thin and reedy, lacking the power and emotion that we know it has. Also, an album after showcasing his versatility, Rob's drumming leaves a lot to be desired, as well. Linkin Park can do softer songs and do them well. A Thousand Suns is full of interesting, creative soft songs with Burning in the Skies, Waiting for the End and Iridescent, not to mention Chester's incredible performance on The Messenger. Other artists can do magnificent pop songs: There's no doubting the power and originality of Adele or the creative exploration of Lady Gaga. Pop is fine. Generic, unoriginal and emotionally lacking pop is not. And that's what this is.
I'm sorry, but who are you to say that this song is emotionally lacking or unoriginal? Maybe it is to you but not for everyone. Some people (incuding me) can find this song relatable. The band put his heart and soul into these songs. You saying that is nothing short of disrespectful.
After a couple of days worth of listens, this song is as vanilla as it gets. I liked it the first time I heard it - had a little spark to it - but that has long since dissipated.
I mean... he literally never said that, you're seeing what you want to see. No one called you a nu metal fan, so chill, he even went out of his way to specifically say that that's not what he was saying. I'm not sure if you even read his comment fully before getting annoyed lol. Specifically this part:
There's a lot of sentiment on this forum right now that all art is subjective, so who's to say something is "good" or "bad" and all that. And that's fine. That's one approach to art, and I can respect it even if I disagree in some ways. But the thing is, I have a strong suspicion that a lot of you are only saying this because you're feeling protective of Linkin Park, and by extension, you feel defensive when someone criticizes a thing you like. Because I honestly don't believe that everyone saying stuff like this doesn't critique or call other music/movies/art "bad" or other negative adjectives. And if you honestly do, then that's cool. Spread the gospel. But don't pretend to be hardcore Subjectivists if you aren't really.
Goodness, there's so much arguing and negativity going on in this thread. If you like the song, then you like it, and if you don't, you don't. Can we just leave it at that?
I'm trying to decide if this album cycle is more decisive than ATS because when The Catalyst came out it was just as crazy. The difference this time I think is that fans either love it or hate it with less ambiguity. Thus, more arguing.
The video has some moment of greatness, but the parts that aren't so great absolutely kill it. Some of the text doesn't match when the words are sung and some of these cuts are annoying as hell.
I've got no problem with not liking a song. The problem is many seem to be disrespectful about it. I've mentioned this time and again that I'm not a huge fan of 'Heavy'. I think it's alright but I've probably heard it less number of times that I've heard The Chainsmoker's 'Selfie' song(not that I voluntarily heard it but it kept coming on the radio when it was out) and that's saying something since I'm a huge LP fan and I usually go on a rampage replaying the first single or two.
Says who? This is only your opinion not a fact. EVERYONE has a different taste in music. I could say that band X sucks, you could say band X is magical. Even in Linkin Park's music. I can't stand their most HT/Meteora songs, but someone else love 'em to death.
Well I am a "hardcore subjectivist", and I've genuinely never in my life felt the need to call any piece of music "bad". But that's not even the point. I've written plenty of lengthy posts myself criticising what I don't like about the singles, but the important thing is that it's framed as a discussion on objective features that the song does and doesn't have, and why I do or don't like those things. And many other people on here have done the same, and that's why I love forums like the LPA, to be exposed to all sorts of opinions, positive and negative. So it's not about being against criticism, and it's not about being defensive of Linkin Park. But when people start posting comments like "pop is shit" and "I can't believe you guys are mindlessly defending this crap", then yes, I do feel the need to call those people out. Not because they're criticising a band I like (and yes, I have had conversations where I defend bands I don't like when the best criticism people can think of is "they're shit"), but because those comments are counterproductive and add absolutely nothing to the conversation.
I agree with you 100% on this. But, for instance, the interaction just a few posts back with eaglemorph and sasuke4545. EM stated the opinion that pop is fine, but generic/bland pop isn't (referring to Battle Symphony as bland). sasuke was quick to tell eaglemorph that it was just his opinion. Like...yeah? Of course it is? Most people state their opinion as if it's a fact. "This song is good" vs "I think this song is good." The opinion part is implied. Discussions are awesome, but it seems like there are some people who just want to honestly express a negative opinion who are then jumped on as if they were trying to convince the world to only share their opinion. Negative opinions happen. They aren't any more or less counterproductive to a discussion than a comment that simply says "I love this can't wait for OML!!" I think most people, including myself, could usually use a reminder that a negative opinion about something you like isn't an attack on you.
Fair enough, I totally agree. I definitely still think that people should try to frame their opinions as opinions, and that the "I think" shouldn't need to be implied when it's so easy to just tag an "IMO" to the end of whatever you're writing to avoid any confusion, but yeah, a lot of us (myself included absolutely) can be a bit quick to assume the worst from those sorts of comments. I guess I'm just so used to people who genuinely believe that X is objectively better music than Y, that it's easy to assume that anyone who frames their opinion as a fact genuinely thinks that their opinions are facts. But yeah, I totally get what you're saying and I do agree that there's a bit of "jumping on anyone who doesn't like the song" going on every so often.
So just listened to the song for the first time. That intro is incredible. Did not expect that at all. Chester sounds amazing. Not a fan of the chorus though. The way he says Battle Symphony bothers me. But other than that, this is a great song that doesn't sound like anything LP has ever done. EDIT: Alright. I like it even better. This is a great song. Familiar but different at the same time. 8/10 song