i don't like.....all 80's hair metal, all bands trying to bring back 80's hair metal/arena rock(i.e. the Darkness), all artists who dont' write thier oun music (even if they are good at singing or whatever, i think music should be personal for the artist, and if you cant sing the music yourself, start a band and be the writer...just my opinion), all this new stuff/"the"bands(such as jet and The Hives, The White Stripes, The Strokes....i REALLY dont' like them), all that christian rock stuff (Alterbrige, Creed, Switch Foot), the music like Pearl Jam, Arrowsmith....does that go under 80's? i guess so. i don't like ALL R&B, it really annoys the hell out of me. i don't like any rap (except fo the occational Eminem, cuz he makes me laugh). i dont' like alot of that death metal. i've tried to like it but....i just can't. i dont' like the "punk" that copies everyone else, and if u are punk, it means you ARE NOT pop! these "pop/punk" things shouldnt' exsist..... ....hmmm im not sure what else. there is probebly more....i can't think of any. hehehe thats enough for now
Huh... would you mind explaining what you think's so bad about their name? Thanks. [/b][/quote] Let me lay it out for you, okay? Good = Ha. They are far from good, okay? That's false advertising. Charlotte = NONE OF THEIR NAMES ARE CHARLOTTE. False advertising, again. I could sue GC on the grounds of False Advertising, if I was a cruel boy.
Let me lay it out for you, okay? Good = Ha. They are far from good, okay? That's false advertising. Charlotte = NONE OF THEIR NAMES ARE CHARLOTTE. False advertising, again. I could sue GC on the grounds of False Advertising, if I was a cruel boy. [/b][/quote] Pearl Jam is 90's, I really don't pay attention to Aerosmith so I don't know about them. I also remembered that I have a strong passion of hate towards Kelly Clarkson
Let me lay it out for you, okay? Good = Ha. They are far from good, okay? That's false advertising. Charlotte = NONE OF THEIR NAMES ARE CHARLOTTE. False advertising, again. I could sue GC on the grounds of False Advertising, if I was a cruel boy. [/b][/quote] ...Wow. Their name comes from the title of a children's book.
...Wow. Their name comes from the title of a children's book. [/b][/quote] , So many jokes, so little time
Alter Bridge are not Christian rock. :wth: [/b][/quote] Neither are Switchfoot or Creed. Their lyrics may sound Christian but they're not, just like P.O.D.
No, not Charlotte's Web. But I read an article stating that they got their band name from a children's book. I don't know which one, though. I know it wasn't Charlotte's Web, though.
Neither are Switchfoot or Creed. Their lyrics may sound Christian but they're not, just like P.O.D. [/b][/quote] Yeah, i know, but trying to convince someone that Creed are not Christian rock never seems to work.
Yeah, i know, but trying to convince someone that Creed are not Christian rock never seems to work. [/b][/quote] Yeah. I was backing you up.
...Wow. Their name comes from the title of a children's book. [/b][/quote] This could be it, maybe? Good Charlotte