Amen to that. I can't stand Busted, Simple Plan, The Strokes, Velvet Underground and Sham 69. Bands I find sort of annoying, save for maybe a few of their songs, are: Nirvana, Gorillaz, Hoobastank, Evanescence, Kasabian, The Doors, The Who, Iron Maiden and Jet.
I never thought korn was JUST rap music. I thought they were nu-metal. [/b][/quote] They are separate things. I dislike Korn. I also dislike rap.
I don't like rap music. I can't say I don't like all rap because that's not true, I litsen to Eminem and on a few ocassions there are some rap songs that I enjoy litsening to. Other then that all rap is to me is nothing, all they usally rap about it sex, drugs, and ect. I can't stand it.
Amen to that. I can't stand Busted, Simple Plan, The Strokes, Velvet Underground and Sham 69. Bands I find sort of annoying, save for maybe a few of their songs, are: Nirvana, Gorillaz, Hoobastank, Evanescence, Kasabian, The Doors, The Who, Iron Maiden and Jet. [/b][/quote] I always agree with Dean in music tastes. But i'd never find Nirvana or Iron Maiden annoying.
I see there are a few people here who don't like Busted. I know this is pretty much the verbal equivalent of shooting myself in the head, but I actually think Mcfly are alright, I just don't like all the pretentious TV presenters in support of them (eg Fearne Cotton and Cat Deeley). In depth list: AC/DC - Ask anyone who knows me even a tiny bit and they will tell you that I detest more or less all 70s/80s metal, and of that genre I hate AC/DC the most. InFlames - I actually think they are very good, but they are seriously overrated in the music media. The Strokes- They're just plain awful... Nirvana - see InFlames. 50 Cent - He's so fake, he makes Ali G look like 2Pac. P.O.D and other Christian bands - Lyrics about praising God and "feeling alive for the very first time" should be left to gospel choirs. *braces for flaming attack* Sham 69 - One word: wooden.
hoobastink is my pet hate at the moment. "aaaaaannnd the reason is yoooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuu". ARG! i would give up all my cds to never hear them again. seriously, they annoy me that much.
hoobastank maroon 5 evanscence after forever busted good charlotte jet county crows the rasmus nickelback blink 182
There's only one thing I truly HATE, and that is 'Dutch songs'... from artists like: Frans Bauwer Jannes Andre Hazes Jan Smit and stuff like that. It's truly torture to listen to that! Other then that I almost like everything. I don't hate other artists
simple plan good charlotte bowling for soup (my tentative first impression) and all those pop...things