[AUDIO] Until It's Gone - Listen to Linkin Park's New Single from The Hunting Party

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, May 5, 2014.

  1. Filip

    Filip god break down the door LPA Contributor

    May 23, 2012
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    The hell, that ending is Godly! :lol: I mean after 3:41.
  2. RazorEye

    RazorEye The light on the horizon...

    Apr 6, 2012
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    I'd like to take this moment to say I've never seen a forum goatse itself so far open quite like I've seen today.

  3. [video=youtube;FL2sCkiKnjE]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL2sCkiKnjE[/video]

    Sounds pretty good :D
  4. Filip

    Filip god break down the door LPA Contributor

    May 23, 2012
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    why did i google it

  5. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    :lol: You'd have regretted not looking it up even more
  6. ZERØ

    ZERØ LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    the intro is way too short...

    PS after listening to it 10 times, I have to say... this song is still lame.
  7. Joshua

    Joshua is Mr. "to many Mind"

    Mar 11, 2014
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    Deal! :chuck:
  8. Wizardofozil

    Wizardofozil Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    I love it more every listen
  9. warriorathlete21

    warriorathlete21 Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    I understand that people have the right to be subjective with music. Also, I don't expect this song to be universally loved by this fan base. If people want to subjectively critique this song, that's fine and they aren't whining.

    However, some people on here are being a bit over dramatic. Writing off the band because of one song and writing off an album because of one song. There are still 9 more to hear and judging by the diversity in these two songs, it's safe to say the others will be different as well.
  10. Shark Attack

    Shark Attack Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    What a tame, boring effort, remember when Chester used to actually sing, and loved singing over heavy guitars?

    Instead we get this, almost spoken word effort, where the only part actually noteworthy is the final 20 seconds...

    I like LP less with every album.
  11. Dannje

    Dannje Member

    May 5, 2014
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    The more i listen the more i like it. I think its awesome. 9,5/10 for me. The mixing is the only bad thing. I love the meaning of the song in combination with how it actually sounds. As i said before, they better not cut things off and make a radio edit. Like GATS. That song became very repetetive without rakim. But was awesome with him. UIG is perfect for radio. Just hope the next single will be very difrent again
  12. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    This will likely ruffle a few feathers that I'm saying this, but Linkin Park are a business. They're not just a rock band, nor were they ever really. They might not sell as many records as they used to back in the day, but the fact remains that their name can still fill arenas, sell merchandise and even sell products (as evidenced by the multitude of product endorsements this album cycle). Mike expressed it best when he said (and I'm paraphrasing here) that as much as they want to make an aggressive rock record, they aren't stupid and they're aware they still need to 'perform' to a certain extent. It's the way things work when you're one of the biggest rock groups alive at the moment. You can't just turn your back on making music that sells, and as experimental as you might want to be, your record still has to sell copies at the end of the day. When you are signed to a major label contract, you can almost consider yourself as an 'employee' of that record label. Your job is to produce a product that sells, and a product that will deliver financially. There was a moment back in the 1980s where Neil Young was sued by Geffen Records for making 'unrepresentable' music because the music he was making wasn't "marketable" in the opinion of his record label (see here), and although it hasn't really happened to another artist since, it still proves that most major labels do not look kindly on experimental records. We're all familiar with the story of 'What I've Done' and how it was written on the 11th hour because the label felt the band didn't have a true single. WID wasn't even supposed to exist, but Minutes To Midnight needed to have a good lead single, and VOILA "What I've Done" was born. Records need hit singles, and that's what "Until It's Gone" is made for.

    Are there some labels out there that allow pure creative freedom? Sure. But they still expect the artist to release something people will want to buy. It's why on even ATS, there's at least 1-2 tracks on there that had potential to be a big single or were catchy enough to be licensed to movies etc. The record has to sell, and as much as the band are railing against poppy rock music, the reality is that there's likely never going to be a Linkin Park record that will be 100% non-mainstream. There will always likely be at least one song on there that is on there solely to sell records. The rest of the record may be a hard sell for the mainstream (and believe me, the other 5 tracks I heard are nowhere near as 'mainstream' as UIG) but at least this song will help sell records. It's just the way it works.
  13. Joshua

    Joshua is Mr. "to many Mind"

    Mar 11, 2014
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    The reason, why they are still on a major label might be, that they don't mind either selling millions of records, so why change and found a label by themselves? Actually i didn't know the case about "What I've Done". But..personally, when i listen to "M2M", i regognize that the first half of it till "Hands Held High" is kind of "safe" (= Leave Out All The Rest, Shadow Of The day...but also Given Up for the "old fans" at that time), but the second half beginning with "No More Sorrow" is more daring or brave. Testing several things out (= the reggae tone in "In Pieces", Valentines Day hasn't really a Refrain, the solo in "The Little Things Give You Away" etc.) It's like: "Ok the first half is for the radio / fans of our old stuff but the second half is ours" - just my opinion, but i'm talking to much off-topic now ;).

    I agree with you, that we have to see those statements (making aggressive records) relatively, that some songs can be aggressive in a certain degree, but have to be still compatible for the radio at the same time. I just wish, that they go completely their own way 1 day, would be great to me, even when this probably will never happend ;).
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  14. blackout.

    blackout. Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2012
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    I listened to the song a few times already and I still can't convince it to end. In my excitement to not have that "something" which was, for example, after the release of Burn It Down. Then I wanted to listen to this song for hours, almost 24 hours a day. Here me so not pulling - I hear every few hours and it's definitely good enough for me. Maybe it's just a matter of habit, and for some time I will like it. Similarly, it was at The Catalyst. I had to get used to about a year, and now is one of my favorite songs from the LP. Maybe here will be the same.
    But of course, I don't want to forward that the song is bad. I include it in a big plus. Finally returned juicy electronics straight from LT, which makes me very happy. Of course I also love the guitar, and we have a combination of both in UIG, which is the quintessence of all my musical taste. Just as I like interesting guitar with the first single, it'd love to see even one of these more electronic song in the THP. :)
  15. merrillmind

    merrillmind Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    Been following this band since 2000 and I personally disagree with whole "business" statement. To me the difference this band makes is that they have proven if you only make music that you care about and not just give "some people" what they want to hear than you can be just as successful as "selling out". Linkin Park are a band, yes they make lots of people money but beyond the album art/music video component they focus on the music. Every album they've made has been a one they wanted to make THP is no different. These guys aren't a corporate machine just trying to please stakeholders, they make music. Is that music always considered incredible/groundbreaking? To the general listening public no, but from the beginning these musicians have been very innovative. Few bands have kept the artistic integrity this band has, proof positive being MTM and how risky an album that was in their career. Could they have just kept making the same nu-metal they perfected for radio dominance? Same can be clearly said about ATS, no way Warner Bros. would've preferred LP shift musical directions drastically on two consecutive albums, but at the end of the day because LP make music they are passionate about they've always remained successful. This band chooses to make music that interests them first and foremost and considering they don't sell the same amounts of albums as they used to but remain a top act in music is a credit to a longstanding loyal fan base that respects everything the band does, because Linkin Park have only ever made the music they wanted to. So all I'm trying to say is although lots of people keep profiting from Linkin Park, doesn't change that Linkin Park is a band not a business. They are apart of the music business, but have always kept their main focus on the music first and foremost.

    UIG , is a song that Linkin Park likes and yeah based on just the variance in musical taste not everyone likes the song. Some people though like even love the song, and that's all that matters because Linkin Park know that some people will like/love it. WID wasn't just thrown onto Minutes To Midnight for a "single", LOATR was a single and not made last minute, so was SOTD, NMS & BIO. WID was made by the band because they chose to make a song for an album perhaps not wanting to scrap the idea, and the meaning of that song is very personal to the band and primarily about Chester's struggle and acceptance with his past drug use.
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  16. 101nemesis

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    Ehh, kinda true and not true at the same time. I'm bound to agree with both you and Derek. They are a band. They do create their own music but they are also a business venture for the label. Would the label keep them around if they didn't sell millions worldwide? No, they wouldn't be kept. It's how it is every where in every business partnership.

    An example I can give, though completely unrelated, is the japanese manga industry. While, even though the mangaka(author/writer/artist) is the creator of a series, the series isn't just his own once he publishes it in a magazine for serialization. The magazine will put an editor in charge of the mangaka who will instruct the mangaka to write the series in particular ways so as to make it "better" and gain more readers. And unless the editor himself approves of what the mangaka does, his chapters and series cannot be published for serialization in the magazine. This can lead to a completely different direction than what was intended by the mangaka originally. Now say that this series becomes a huge success, selling millions in japan for each volume it prints, and the mangaka feels he wants to end the series here on a high note. The editor and the magazine can force him not to end it. A lot of popular manga series lost their charm after being forced to stretch the story.

    Bottom line is that the mangaka works for the company and whatever he/she makes is no longer his/her alone but also the company's and he needs to heed to what the company wants so as they get the most from it. Same goes for LP. They have a requirement from the record label that needs to be filled. That's unfortunately how things work in this world.
  17. merrillmind

    merrillmind Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    Would WB keep LP if they weren't a profitable band? Perhaps not, but I believe that LP has artistic integrity and make music they want to. If in a few years time WB doesn't resign LP and if by some chance no other label offered a record deal then LP would just put out their own music with their own money. At the end of the day do LP want there music on the radio or be popular to reach a broad audience? Of course (who wouldn't?) but they're already a success and I feel it's clear that more than anything they value artistic integrity.
  18. Private Donut

    Private Donut Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2004
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    Lyrically I find this song simplistic/repetitive, which doesn't mean its terrible or even bad rather just a thought of mine. I really do like the lyric video for it though, I've really had a hard time liking most music videos (for most artists and not just LP) and while this techinically isn't a MV I was surprised with how much I enjoyed watching it. Overall it's a decent song with a decent message and I agree this song appears to be more radio friendly than GATS whether it will be played on the mainstream stations like BID is up for debate.
  19. Wizardofozil

    Wizardofozil Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    This song ain't about drugs
  20. Filip

    Filip god break down the door LPA Contributor

    May 23, 2012
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    You know who else doesn't write about drugs? Coldplay.

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