It's been like this since the Meteora days. Were you expecting any of the stuff they were saying to be true? +: I think it's pretty official though the fans are getting pisst off with no Mike & Chester duo .. and this whole Chester only guy singing thing. Mostly it being 90% Chester 10% Mike for vocals.
Looking back at Derek's description of this track and all the other tracks, I feel like things he mentioned such as the "orchestral backdrop and choir like backing vocals" don't play as big a role as I originally expected. Saying it took him by surprise and being one of his favorites out of the bunch definitely built hype for the song, not to mention LP uploading the final 14 seconds of the track onto facebook and instagram with Chester's intense scream, but after listening to it on bbc and continuously playing it on youtube, I've finally come to the conclusion that this might be one of their worst singles ever. I might be a little over the top about the way I am handling this, but I am mad, mad at the fact that I honestly believed we were gonna be getting an absolutely amazing single, one that could possibly end all the bitching going on in this shit fest of a fanbase. One comment summed it up well on youtube, stating to not bother going through the comments because this fanbase is never pleased with anything. I am disappointed in myself to have to include myself in this majority, for now. The instrumental, being the best part of the song, still does not impress me in the least bit, and now I feel as tho this might be Linkin Park's worst lyrical album ever. Guilty All the Same absolutely blows this song out of the water and yet they both have lyrics that could easily be taken down by Meteora. Chester, tho sounding better than he did on GATS, still has yet to give off a vocal delivery that has blown me away. I could easily nit pick and break this song apart because of my dislike for it, but I won't and I don't blame the band for any of this. This is simply a result of overhyping something and ultimately being crushed because it isn't even close to what you expected. I won't understand how you guys could possibly compare this to What I've Done or refer to it as a visceral song (assuming even half of you even know what visceral means), but either way, this has definitely brought my hype down and I'll cease from reading anymore reviews on the album and review it based on my own impressions and not others. Hopefully I'll get into this song sooner or later, but for now, I'll spend most of my time waiting it out til June 17th.
It's the second time I've used this word this week, but: Geez. You guys are all over the place. I thought the song was great, and yeah the lyrics aren't spectacular by any means, but it still made me extremely happy. I understand that we all have opinions and I'm cool with that, but can we just not go after each other like rabid dogs or something? Geez. This just reminded me why I have a love-hate relationship with Linkin Park fans.
I personally liked GATS a lot more. Not hating against the last couple albums, but this song does sound like New Divide Mk. III to me.
i believe them so far, GATS i'd say is definitely not "pop-radio-rock" i literally do think it's just the one song, they need one song on this album that has a chance of topping (or near) the alt. rock charts, so they release GATS to prove their "#Visceral" point and effectively introduce us to the new sound and aims of THP, while getting the attention of the fans that would be looking out for new LP music, and not the mainstream radio-listening audience, and then they have the obligitary radio single that's bound to be a hit, gain the new album mainstream attention, with the downside that the song will be "softer" and a bit different to the rest of the album saying that however, UIG is no means a bad song, and does not prove on it's own that LP have gone back on their promise of making a heavy, kick-ass album hell, we still have 10 songs left of the album to listen to, lets not make assumptions yet
For this song, they went back on their word. It's generic LP. Nothing revolutionary.. maybe the synth which gives me a little Daft Punk feel but that's about it. But I am not surprised! LP, media outlets always hype the crap out of Linkin Park's return it always reminds me of The Sonic Cycle. I am taking THP just like I do every LP album. I am excited to see what's coming, I am leaving this song for appreciation when I have the album on my hands and I can play it from beginning to end so I can appreciate it more. As a single.. this was a horrible and bad move. One doesn't go from the awesome hype train that is GATS and then go to this. They are suppose to keep the momentum going, not destroy it.
I'll give it a few weeks and everyone on this forum will be saying ''Omfg, UIG is the best song ever! It's really grown on me'' Then we'll have a wild Minus appear saying how much he hates Meteora.
Song is fine. Think it's suffering a bit instrumentally due to the tape recording, which would easily distort all those instruments out. Maybe Derek heard a less mastered version and the instruments were louder and didn't sound "tape-ish." Maybe when it was "mastered" it turned to 100kbps
It's not the best thing Linkin park has put out, but my god I would be lying if I said that I didn't think it was just damn cool. I especially love the bridges in this song, especially the gang vocals and how it builds-up to the chorus.
Best thing about this song is probably the intro/chorus guitar riff. I REALLY wish you could hear it more.
over-producing again... They should released that unmastered version because the final version is compressed as hell.. No wonder why Primo has that unique vibe as a demo in LT but it was ruined in the final mix. Over-producing is the problem.
This is one of the first times I've legitimately been bored listening to a linkin park song. It drags on and really goes nowhere. During the Zane Lowe premiere, i just had a "That's it?" feeling. There is nothing memorable about this song and I only look forward to the album so that I can skip over this song. In the grand scheme of their music releases, this song is completely forgettable. It is one giant cliche, and I agree with the DNB guy's reaction 100%.
I imagine the quality will be much better on the CD. I mean, you guys are cranking up a fucking YouTube video for Christ's sake.
I think I like it. The word Gone being in the song so much just makes me think of Ill be Gone though :/ I think I like it though
i thought the song was decent. Not their best single, but pretty good IMO. My Top 3 Fav Bands: Linkin Park Zebrahead - Devil Sold His Soul -