It seems that the new Apple iTunes setup, which allows users to download singles for 99 cents apiece, has artists in a tizzy--including Linkin Park. According to an article, big name artists such as Radiohead, Madonna, Green Day and Jewel are "less than enthusiastic" about the new model. Apparently, Linkin Park has taken all of their singles off. They fear a cutback in profits, given that albums retail only for about $12-18 USD. LP and other bands want album-only downloads, and other artists are following in their path despite the success the iTunes model has seen in profits. Others cite artistic concerns. Fred Goldring, an entertainment lawyer for musical acts, says this: "The fear among artists is that the work of art they put together, the album, will become a thing of the past." Editorial Comment: By reading this, you may think, 'Alright, what's up with that? Doesn't LP support free music? Is this some Warner ploy?' Well, I don't personally think it is. Linkin Park puts a lot of strength, effort and time into their albums, and they don't want people to just download the singles and forget about the rest of their album. Source: ShortNews & Keaton....
Okay, what the crap? Wasn't it Mike that said LP supported free music for download? Why won't they support the download of their stuff off iTunes? Is this actually Warner Bros. yanking their chain around or what? *very confused* :argh:
Yes I in no way think LP sold out. My beef with people who download is, the fact that many people download the entire cd and dont even bother to represent by buying the cd or spreading the word. It's gotten so bad that in a survey on this one Linkin Park site "I downloaded the cd" or "I burnt the cd" is an option. That's totally disrespectful to the band to download the cd, then make copies for your friends and not even give the band a dime for their hard work. LP deserves every last dime they get, why? A lot of the cds in 2000 downright sucked ass, but who came along to save Y2K? Linkin Park. People don't realize that Linkin Park helped revive the whole rap/metal genre. Sure, LP's not only "Rap"(they are more hiphop) and "metal" but they sure helped many people to realize that, that type of music is not childish but actually meaningful when done the right way. Because of the large crowd they attracted to that seemingly fading genre of music many critics deemed them the 'saviors of rap-metal' and they are in many ways just that. LP did the right descision here, for they have been royally f*cked with album sales. 4.5 Million sales were LOST to downloads, for Hybrid Theory. Just thought I'd mention that.
People are just soo stupid for calling LP sell outs, like come on people its a job, if you go and pick up garbage for a living, would'nt you want to get paid, well Linkin Park's job is making music and it would be nice if they got paid for what they work for. I also understand why they would want people to download there whole album instead of just there singles, getting one song is just part of the master piece, they want you to get the whole thing, so you can experience it all, all the hard work and sweat they've put in to there album "master piece". (Iam to tired for this ther emay be alot of spelling mistakes and some parts of this paragraph might not make sence but iam to tired to cheak it over soo good night LPA)
I have nothing against downloading full albums, I've done it myself. But, when it's not just a CD with 12 or so songs, but more of a work of art, a masterpiece that took 2+ years to make such as Meteora, as well as Staind's new CD, give the artist credit and what they deserve. Buy the CD.
I'll admit....I downloaded Meteora a few days before it was out. But on the 25th, when it came out, i was faithfully at my record store, buying the cd. In fact i took it out of the managers hands while he was stocking them for the first time
Derek, you're right. But, some people may not take this seriously, because LP's front man, Mike Shinoda (yes, he's a frontman for those who didn't know) tells people to go out and "Download that ####!" Is it fair to pay 20 bux for a piece of plastic? Of course, I still buy more cd's than I download, infact, I don't download at all anymore. But still, with album prices rising, it's only forcing more people to go and download. LP got screwed? They weren't LOST. Don't we all know that Hybrid Theory was also the best selling album of that year? Beating out pop bands like N*Sync and Backstreet Boys and other pop crap? I believe the stronger a band can spread their music through the net, the stronger of a sales machine they will be in the real world (that's why they have SparkArt and Naveen. Naveen specializes in internet music, or something of that sort, I saw it in an interview). If LP "LOST" 4.5 million sales to downloads of Hybrid Theory, I don't think the band's glue (Mike is that person in my opinion), would go out in the public and tell us to "Download that ####!" Just my opinion. Respect that! lol. - Opinionated Elie
Ya, that's what I'm talking about. Why would they support the downloading of music from the internet for free, but not for sale? That's what's confusing me. As for supporting the artist by buying the CD, the band got only 1 penny for each copy of Hybrid Theory sold. That left them only $80,000 to split 6 ways. If you want to support an artist, go see them on tour. I will get some CDs though, especially if they have extra content on them, like Meteora.
Ya, that's what I'm talking about. Why would they support the downloading of music from the internet for free, but not for sale? That's what's confusing me. As for supporting the artist by buying the CD, the band got only 1 penny for each copy of Hybrid Theory sold. That left them only $80,000 to split 6 ways. If you want to support an artist, go see them on tour. I will get some CDs though, especially if they have extra content on them, like Meteora. [/b][/quote] Hey, that's $13,000 they didn't have before that!