Very enjoyable album! Way more accessible than The Suburbs imo, which I personally think is a good thing 'cause I really couldn't get into that album.
I love all the songs on CD1 and most of CD2. I feel like a few songs off 2 could've been let go for the benefit of the whole record. Still, the highs are really high. This doesn't quite hit Suburbs/Funeral level for me but its better than Neon Bible. Standout tracks: Reflektor, We Exist, Awful Sound, Here Comes the Night Time, Normal Person. No idea what that Hidden Track is about.
Hmm....well....don`t hate, but i`ve always thought Arcade Fire were a bit to pretentious and just plain boring. listened to Reflektor today, 1 or 2 good Ones, the Rest is, imo, meh. But have fun y'all, Opinions are just that: Opinions