"And We All Become Satellites"

Discussion in 'Your Projects' started by Will, Aug 19, 2006.

  1. #1

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    "And We All Become Satellites"

    The beaches you once walked upon are washing away with the tides
    Those seas of comfort you've been holding dear
    Well, they're quickly becoming impassable for even the largest of ships
    Even the greatest of Olympians couldn't tread that dirty water
    Your world's coming to an end by way of a great flood

    Now a breathtaking task awaits you
    It's standing in the way of your threats
    And all you've got to do is dive

    Sometimes all I do is pray for you to drown in your lies
    I'm not surprised how well they held you up
    You built yourself onto a pedastal even the gods would be envious of
    But now that the rising tides are washing away those beaches
    Your ritzy estate is falling into the bay

    I just want you to say what you want
    Though I'm not sure how well I'll take what you've got to say
    I'll let you take anything you want from me
    Though I'm not quite sure I've got much left to give

    And now that the literal tides have destroyed your world
    The tides have turned and you're under the knife
    Here's that moment of clarity you've been waiting for
    I'll stop stabbing when you stop screaming

    I can see the glow of the port across the lake
    I wonder how long before your body washes up on shore
    Only time will tell at this point but I hope it's all over the papers
    I'll confess to the crime and get the chair
    I'm not ashamed of what I've done
    I'm sure it was all for the best and the world's better off

    Sleepless nights and pointless fights with myself wrecked me
    I went out in search of your body
    I'd hoped to recover it and claim it was an accident
    God's a fickle fellow with a funny sense of humor
    My boat capsized in the same tides that destroyed your very life
    Now I'm clinging to you for dear life

    Everything's going to be fine, right?
    That's what you told me and that's what I'm asking
    Everything's going to be fine, right?
    I'm dying to hear the answer from you
    Everything's going to be fine, right?
    I can't keep my head above the water any longer
    Nothing's going to be fine
  2. #2

    Branden hey! LPA Super Member

    May 2, 2004
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    I'm definitely liking that last stanza/paragraph/block/whatever the writing term is. The rest of it is good as well, but I can definitely relate to that last block. I actually got chills reading that part. It's real simple, but something that needs to be said.
  3. #3
    The Outsider

    The Outsider Billy Corgan = God

    Aug 15, 2005
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    I really like this peice :) Keep it up
  4. #4

    aki*lp LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    I like your writting style William.

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