I remember listening to the bootleg recordings of "Tinfoil" from the House of Blues show and the chord progression reminded me of that hidden track from the "Hybrid Theory" EP
Agreed. TINFOIL taps into the essence of a sound that harkens back to their roots in an almost haunting fashion. It's absolutely lovely.
Agreed. Studio version, although short, will blow me away. Especially if a live crappy recording caught my attention. I really think with that buildup POWERLESS is going to be one epic tasty treat.
Well it goes the same way around when you guys praise everything Linkin Park touches. I wouldn't be here if i didn't like Linkin Park, with that being said, i don't have to love everything they make. And while this thread has turned into a bashing of rather or not lyrics are deep, i'm still entitled to my own opinion. But the battle here shouldn't be about bashing Meteora(We do that all the time) more so why did the band chose to go with more simplistic lyrics on this record(so far)and why has Mike changed his metaphorical rapping style into a more old school rap style. Now i know the two songs we have been giving so far is uptempo, and the band seems always to write simple lyrics for the fast song(Why again?) so the rest of the album might prove me wrong. Now don't get me wrong i love the rapping on WTCFM, W&K and UIB, but to me they all seem alot different from his earlier work(like Forgotten or High voltage) Not necessarily worse. My thoughts: As Mike has started singing more on the previous records, he has kinda twisted up his way of writing lyrics. The rap parts is often more "in your face", while the singing ones are more "deep" and "metaphorical". I don't know if i love this or not. To me the greatest and most beautiful lyrics(or some of them) are the ones Mike has written while singing(Blackout, BITS, Iridescent, The Catalyst), but i do believe he has made some really dope rap parts as well.
Imo POWERLESS will be the worst track on the album. I don't think I like the Bee Gees-Element in it. At least Tinfoil will be descent.
Guys, ALL of you have to realize that the EVERY FUCKING SONG has a PURPOSE. One is supposed to be a SINGLE, to catch the people's attention and make you enjoy it (sometimes using simple lyrics) and another songs catalyses every single feeling that you have within you and explode in waves to the infinite, while makes you be sinked by the its ephemeral meanings. And, nevertheless, it will be subjective, and, sometimes will sound without ANY sense or NOT deeper enough. Deal with it. You simply can't write something to everyone. Nobody have the same thought and also the same interpretation about anything. And it's obvious, I know. BUT IT is what makes the MUSIC so special: You extract the best for you of the songs and attempts to bring it into your reality, and so give it some meaning, even inaccurate.
Well Linkin Park never goes into the studio with this thought in mind. They evolves with the song, and doesn't have any idea where the song will end up, so saying that when they started writing BID they knew what was its purpose from the start is a false. But i do agree that music can be interpreted differently from person to person, and we can all analyse lyrics differently.
Yes, you're right on this point BUT, after all, music is modeled alone and acquires its own purpose. They may not know to where the music will point, but they choose the path It will follow. And it is this path that defines its purpose. Modeled by the way this melody, lyrics, instrumentation, pitch, harmony, timbre and other elements that interfere with its construction.
I know you're from Brazil, but since your whole argument is about song-writing, I've taken the time to translate what you're saying into a grammatically correct format. As a former private school teacher and English Education major, I can confirm that what you wrote doesn't actually mean anything. I had a whole breakdown of your text but I've decided to be nice and just go with the Ironic Echo and summarize it with these three words: Deal with it.
I was trying to be abstract enough, but I'm sorry for my English, and even by my difficulty in keeping a linear thought. Anyway.
Exactly. Everyone has their own interpretation of songs, that's what makes music great in the first place. Personally, I've like every single album LP has put out, because they're something good in each one. Sometimes it's not the lyrics, but the guitar part, or the drums.
I'm not sure if anyone has pointed this out but... Did you guys not feel the same way with What I've Done, Valentines Day, The Catalyst, and Waiting for the End (personally Waiting for the End I loved when I first heard, just I heard critisism about it). What I mean is, after the first listen you MUST not expect the same sound as the previous album. When you get your first listen, you MUST treat it like food. You know, when you take your first bite from a food you never tasted, you taste the whole "flavor" and you decide if you would give it a second taste.
LOL Wow did we get off topic. Anyways, I don't think I really got an answer. Does anyone else really like A Thousand Suns but not like the two new singles ?
Honestly, I think a lot of it has to do with when they worked with Don Gilmore. He started writing more straight forward lyrics that blended in with the song and that imo watered down his lyricism. You can see it in the demo versions of HT songs and it's all over Meteora. But I also think he has now consciously moved away from his early style which seemed more influenced by underground hip hop guys (think of the guys on Reanimation) to a more 90's east coast hip hop style, which you can see on WTCFM and WK and the Until It Breaks. He's not bad at it and Mike has decent versatility in flow and delivery but I'm convinced that he's at his best when he's rapping rapid fire (APFM, High Voltage, It's Goin Down, Black Birds, White People with Handsome Boy Modeling school). I totally agree that some of his most beautiful lyrics have come when he's singing. His verse in Blackout is probably my favorite part on ATS and BITS is my favorite song (tied with the Catalyst, which also has Mike singing) largely because of Mike's singing.