Everyone is allowed to have opinions, so I respect that and let people say them but the constant Meteora hate on here is ridiculous
I <3 Meteora as well as every other album, but even I think that some lyrics and songs suck. Sometimes I even question myself why I like Meteora.
That's crazy! You like BID, which has no screaming and a bunch of electronics, but don't like LGM because there's not enough screaming and too much electronics. You say BID reminds you of FM, but there's about 1 FM song about about being let down, and 90% of LP's material is about being let down. Also, "don't include it in LP" completely undermines the band's "hybrid theory" or the fact that every project that they've put out (excluding Meteora since they admittedly sold out with the song-writing) has had extremely different kinds of rapping. So that's just fucking weird man
When Meteora first came out, I thought it was the fucking shit. I played the hell out of that record. Now, I don't hate it, but I cringe at most of the lyricism. Sure it's all opinion this and opinion that, but at the end of the day "I use the dead wood to make the fire rise, the blood of innocence burning in the skies" is much more evocative and attractive than "I wanna heal I wanna feel like I'm close to something real." Having an emotional connection to a lyric or a piece of art doesn't necessarily denote artistic integrity. There is such a thing as subjective and objective critique, contrary to popular belief (most people will shout that it's impossible to be objective when it comes to art). I like campy horror films. I can admit, however, that most of them are shit (I say most, because some directors, like Sam Raimi successfully meld art with camp). Just like the Transformers/Citizen Kane guy said: I could find Transformers more entertaining and have more replay value than Citizen Kane, but Citizen Kane is such a historical achievement and is still so well known because it became the staple for what all cinema after it focused on. Whether you like it or not, Citizen Kane is a BETTER film than Transformers. Would I rather watch Transformers than Citizen Kane? Hell yes, but Citizen Kane is still the better film. It's not comparing apples to oranges. It's comparing apples to better apples.
Seriously, I love Meteora, and this may be the first time that I've heard so many complains about it. Meteora has awesome lyrics that are real... A Thousand Suns were fucking unreal, mindblowing lyrics, great electronic beats and it described exactly how I felt, which makes it my second favourite album, after Hybrid Theory which is the best because of the energy in it. To me, Living Things just don't have those raps (yet) that LP used to have. The Burn It Down rap is simply too loud to me, not the way LP made those raps that are today still awesome (A Place For My Head, Papercut). I like Lies Greed Misery more than Burn It Down because of the chorus, which is awesome, but Mike's part speaks about how he feels in the ''Eminem-way'' not the Mike's metaphorical way: ''I watch how the moon sits in the sky, on a dark night shining with the light from the sun, the sun doesn't give light to the moon, assuming the moon's going to owe it one, it makes me think of how you act to me''. The chorus of LGM is still awsome. Very awesome. OFF THE TOPIC: How to make an avatar here on LPA.com?
BID's electronics are done in a different way than the electronics on LGM. Also, LGM is supposed to be aggressive, while BID is not. I think if a song is supposed to be aggressive, it should pack a lot more energy the way LP used to do it. I'm not trying to argue about this with anyone, it's just my opinion that I like BID more than LGM.
Revenge of the Fallen was by far the worst of the 3. This is attributed a lot (at least by Michael Bay) to the writers strike that was going on at the time.
Saying Revenge of the Fallen is the worst of the three is like saying getting kicked in the nuts is worse than getting kicked in the gut.
The electronics on ATS were very dangerously unique but came out beautiful. The electronics on the new songs suck. One or two songs on Meteora had not their best lyrics, but others had some of their best. And i'll take the WORST song on Meteora over either of the new tracks.
Well, yeah. We're talking about the Transformers movies, here, not Ingmar Bergman or David Lynch... In the context of the Transformers trilogy, ROTF is the worst of the three. (And getting kicked in the nuts IS 10,000x worse than getting kicked in the gut)
Wow people i think you misunderstood my post. What i meant is, if you look how Lp has evolved lyrcally(from Meteora --> ATS) then u can see a huge difference(for the better) Now what i wanted to point out is the fact that neither LGM or BID has amazing lyrics(as MTM or ATS) im not saying they are extremely bad, but if you compare them to what they have done on their last two records then they really aren't that great. Now what i'm pointing out isn't that Meteora have better lyrics than LT, but so far i'm not really digging the lyrics on this album(exept untill it breaks, which has a different rhyme pattern and cool lyrics) And to me... well: You said yes, you held me high/And i believed when you told that lie Isn't much better than: I Wanna heal, I wanna feel, like im close to something real And BTW, after listening to Meteora, i hate everytime LP uses the word Lie, it just sounds cliche-ish to me.(exception no more sorrow... cause it's kickass)
This. Musical taste, as lyrical taste, ALWAYS will be SUBJECTIVE. After all, TASTE is something subjective.
This is not about lyrics being "mature". This is about lyrics being shit. Compare The Untitled: "And multiplies 'til you can taste the Sun And burnt by the sky you try to take it from" "With the twilight through the skylight and the highlight's on a frame of steel" To In The End: "One thing, I don't know why, it doesn't even matter how hard I try" "I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart" Compare Esaúl: "From planetary signs rising over the horizon, smaller than a flystand..." "The weapon of time, it's stronger than a nuclear bomb, eternity or half-life, something that math can't write nor flee" To A Place For My Head: "It makes me think of how you act to me, you do favours then rapidly you just turn around and start asking me..." The entire bridge of Crawling: "Raindrops put the rhythm on the pavement, drip from the black top to the basement, traces of the rain pervade this..." And it was removed. What I'm trying to say is you can't tell me Meteora lyrics were good. HT lyrics were being over-simplified and Meteora lyrics were made to be re-written over thirty times. Any example cited before is useful. Then compare it to Blackout's lyrics (and it's demo lyrics): "A little bit acid rain, a little bit celebration, a little bit anarchy, a lack of motivation, it's painted upon your face, beautiful hallucination..." "As colours fill the light, we look up from the ground, in fields of paperwhite, you pass us in the night, a future gazing out, a past to overwrite" Here they express the same thing several songs they made before did: "a past to overwrite" in a much more elaborate manner without losing its integrity. So it's not about what they want to express, it's about HOW they express it. '03 lyrics were lifeless crap which appealed to a shitload of people.