Weed can ruin your life because you can get in trouble with the law, spend all of your money on it, and choose to get high instead of doing things you need to get done. I don't think pot is addictive, just the thought of getting high. You don't see someone on acid saying "Man, I need some more weed or I can't make it." Meth is my favorite drug, but that's just me. A shot? Are you sure about that?
my bf has georgia moonshine, which is 199.9 proof. (as in 99.95% alcohol). just thought i would let you all know that. i personally have never tried it, and i really don't want to, since 80 proof vodka is enough to get me sloshed enough to get suspended from school for a month.
Yeah I guess pot is kind of addicting because ill be just sitting around thinking "I need to get high" lol.
My parents had problems with drugs and alcohol when they were younger. So I'm not getting off easy with either one. It doesn't matter though, I've seen people who've really f-ed up their lives with that stuff. That's generally a turn-off.
Tryed weed...its cool and all but I'm staying away from it cuz I've heard some bad things...its apparently worse than smoking in terms of cancer/heart disease and while its not physically addictive its MENTALLY addictive for sure. Alcohol is good for you, in small doses...ah well, lets just forget that last part
Well that's just me, but I can't drink 151 by itself, I HAVE to mix it with Dr. Pepper or something or it's just unbearable. Too much to drink by itself for me. But then again, I'm not a very heavy drinker, so I'm sure a shot of it wouldn't do a lot to some people, but its enough for me.
definately weed. they think alcohol isnt as addictive as drugs. even though alcohol IS a drug but hey.
I think my parents would be very disappointed if they found out that I smoked pod for a few times... but they know that we drink a lot of alcohol, and that's ok. I don't like the taste of weed, so I prefer alcohol but a friend of mine is so damn physically addicted to weed, and he does do other drugs as well (like mushrooms and pills and whatever), and I think this guy's gonna have a lot of problems ... but we can't help him... we tried several times, but everytime someone's talking to him about that, he's immediately soo f###ing angry ... and now he doesn't even care about us any more, but bout his drug-friend (which whom he takes drugs)... and everytime I see him seems very depressed ...
I like both. Especially both at the same time. It's the best way to waste some time. But of course - Alcohol and weed can kill you, so don't even think of trying it
My parents would definitely be more shocked at my smoking weed than drinking alcohol. Alcohol isn't a big deal to us as long as people don't drink it in excess. Weed, on the other hand, is a different issue. My parents would probably kick me out of the house if they found out I was taking ANY kind of drugs, lol.
Honestly its hard to say what would be worse. But obviously since weed is seen as a drug and is frowned upon by society, i owuld have to say that is worse. Really if you think about it weed's only negative to alcohol is that it is way more highly addictive than alcohol. Honestly other than that it is totally natural and cant really harm u in any way. But I gotta admit weed reeks like ####, on that fact and just because of my pride of not doing it ever is probably why i havn't ever smoked weed or plan on smoking it in the future.
my parents would be more mad if I smoked weed 'cause it's not legal in my country,but I think weed is better than alcohol 'cause my friends are just sitting doing nothing when they are high and my grandpa and some people from my school are violent when they are drunk
I know some weed smokers at my school and they are not addicted, some of them aren't even smoking it no more and my grandpa is an alcoholic, he doesn't even eat, he just drinkes