Sweet. I caved and listened to the shit one anyway; and didn't even think it was that great. Hopefully the real versions sound better.
I'm pretty sure the new Breaking Benjamin and Rammstein albums have leaked. In Rammstein's case, though, the SE bonus tracks haven't yet as far as I can tell. I'm pretty lost without a certain website.
I see it on a well known torrent site...but it has 0 of 1 seeds and over 250 peers...so it's not being shared at the moment (most likely due to it being fake). I'll let you know if that changes...but I'd say it hasn't leaked yet.
The torrent is gone now. Looks like it was removed for being a fake. Guess that answers the question. Let's hope the real thing comes soon!
hmm i don't really give a damn about Breaking Benjamin, so no. i know alot of people on here do, though. that's why i posted. FORGIVE ME