Well I'm not going to argue on and on about this because it really is up to opinion. But I can let you know that I did find all of those things available in a private blog. Anyways, Kevin Devine - Brothers Blood Leaked last night So did Billy The Kill - Billy I kill you, if anyone cares.
Coheed and Cambria - Neverender 12% has leaked. It contains 6 tracks from Neverender and is being sold at Hot Topic as a preview for the box set.
Thought someone already posted it but I guess not, Zombie Nation - Zombielicious leaked a few days ago.
I don't think enough people know about them for it to leak. Edit: Er...I don't think that people care enough to leak it. I've been waiting for about a month now. I even posted a request on one of my sites and no one has responded to it to even acknowledge that they know who it is. I don't expect a leak.
But still, the album should leak, just for the sake of leaking. And when it leaks, I might leak myself too.
Oh, damn. I can't get it from either of those. I guess I'll just wait until it comes out, so I can have the second disc too.
If that is some sort of 'smooth hint', then you could better send me a PM because I stink at understanding smooth hints. If it wasn't a smooth hint, I didn't understand it.
it's just the death to analog that leaked... the "death to digital" bonus disc did not leak with it...... it's on private trackers now, it'll probably be everywhere in a day or two