I suppose you're right if you look at it that way. But, I don't know what's worse: living a f*cked up life or not living at all.
How the hell can people expect women who have been raped and tortured by a vicious criminal to carry the son of a bitch's offspring?
Exactly what I'm thinking. I support abortions in about 4 cases. If the women pregnant was raped, if she is under the age of 16, if going through childbirth puts her and the baby's life at risk (in the case that the women could not bear children or if the procedure wasn't going right) or if the baby would have a severe disability after birth (like Downs Syndrome, some people can't afford to take care of that, and it isn't their fault). Other than that, unless the person can give me a very good reason that constitutes killing a living thing, they are going to have to live with the consequences of having a child. It takes two, someone could've said no. Someone brought up a good point to me...comparing abortion to cutting off someone's life support. Think about it. They're in about the same mental state as a fetus if they need life support. If running around a hospital cutting life support is considered a crime, why isn't abortion?
I think that there are different ways to look at it and those different ways depend on the situations. If an abortion is a health choice then I believe it's okay. If you feel you're just not ready to have a baby, I think then abortion is the worst thing you could do. Not giving this being a chance at live just because you screwed up and are not ready yet? If you're not ready then put the baby up for adoption. Then the baby has a chance at having a life. Rape is the one I'm torn between. If you don't want the baby to be born because it will remind you of your rape then you could put the baby up for adoption. If you dont want the rape to leave scars on your child as in kids pointing and laughing at the child because his daddy's a rapist then suggest that the parents keep it a secret, as if the parents wouldnt, anyways. There's many different things you can choose, abortion if a choice, but it's not the best.
Well here's my POV. I disagree with it in many ways. For starters, you should NOT kill your own flesh and blood, or anything without reason for that matter. I think that if you do not know the consequences of having sex, then you shouldn't have had it in the first place. Unless you have a good logical reason not to have that baby, then you should just have it. Another sollution is just having it and just putting it up for adoption if you aren't ready to have a baby. Babies shouldn't have to suffer for the parents' mistakes.
What if the girl is raped, though? I understand the whole principle of adoption, but the girl will forever be reminded of that child that she gave up due to the fact that she was raped, and that will just add even more emotional scars on top of the already-existing emotional scars from her rape. It's a double-edged sword.
So a woman gets tortured by a criminal, then she has to go through torture again to give birth to the bastards baby? You shouldn't say that unless you notice and understand the extreme amount of pain women go through to give birth. Understand that and respect that, because you will never feel that pain.
I think a woman has the right to choose abortion if she was raped. Mark, I read your thoughts on this and now I agree with you on that one point.
I'd like to raise a point that some people seem to ignore. Would anti-abortionists still be opposed to abortion if the woman had it done, say, 72 hours after conception? Like I said, aborting a fetus is not the same thing as aborting a zygote. If it's okay to use embryos for stem-cell research, why isn't it okay to have an abortion at an early stage? That is, unless you're against stem cell research as well. Speaking of which, the Reagon administration has always opposed stem cell research until Ronald Reagan came down with Alzheimer's. Nancy Regan subsequently changed her opinion and began to support stem cell research, which is carried out in hope of finding cures for diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson. She also came out and admitted for the first time that she did not think an embryo is a human being. Sounds irrelevant but trust me, it's food for thought.
I think that abortion is wrong in the sense that it is killing a human being but it can be a good thing. I don't mean it can be good as in 'Go have an abortion! It's good for you!' but some people who aren't ready for kids and who foster their kids off will probably find their kid looking for them or making the kid suffer emotional trauma from not knowing who their real family is. Of course the foster parent could decide not to tell te child they have been adopted but they usualy do. I'm probably going slightly off the topic but i seriously do think that alot of emotional trauma can be involved in not having an abortion. Also if the mother is just not ready then the child will not be treated well and will not be looked after as well as they would be with a ready mother. They may not have the love and attention that they need. I don't think that abortions are a good idea atal but as i said if the mother is really not ready to handle it she should have it aborted early. As i also said i don't think that fostering is a good idea either so it's best, in my opinion, to have it aborted early. I do think they should bring down the law against when you can have an abortion though. At the moment i think it is about 5 months? I think they should bring that down because at 5 months even though the baby is not fully developed, it is more human and developed than it would be at about 2-3 months EDIt : And of course as other people have commented on, if the girl has been raped or sexualt abused in any way and she wants the abortion, she should definitely have the right to do so
At what point do you consider the child to be a "human being"? In most cases, I think it's okay just as long as women don't exploit this advantage by using it as a form of birth control. Some women have reckless sex lives and might have several abortions because they were pregnant several times which sounds a bit ridiculous to me. Also, girls under 16 should be allowed abortion.
At what point do you consider the child to be a "human being"? [/b][/quote] Around about 5 months i would consider the baby to be a human being, maybe even earlier. I don't know what they look like at certain stages in pregnancy but as i said, the cut off date for getting abortions should be brought down i think, by at least 1 month, maybe even two
i believe someone should be able to have an abortion no matter what. people talk about how if a woman was just irrisponsible and didnt have protected sex, they should have to live with their mistake. well what about the guy who has sex with the girl? they could run off and never see her again, leaving her pregnant. unlike men, women cant just run away from the issue. plus they have to go through the pregnancy. i dont think men should have any say that abortions are wrong, let alone the government banning it. honestly, if i were pregnant and i didnt want to have the kid, i would get an abortion. and if abortions are ever banned, i would kill it myself. throw myself down the stairs i dont care. i know that kind of seems extreme but pregnancy isnt really a walk in the park. if i dont want to have a baby i wont.
So a woman gets tortured by a criminal, then she has to go through torture again to give birth to the bastards baby? You shouldn't say that unless you notice and understand the extreme amount of pain women go through to give birth. Understand that and respect that, because you will never feel that pain. [/b][/quote] Exactly!! If anyone doesn't see this issue from this point of view then i think you have some serious thinking to do.
i think abortion is worng in all cases. if the woman was raped, then she can have someone adopt the baby. people are products of rape and it does not make them any worse than any other people. if the woman has a disease, chances are she knew about it, and she needs to take responsibilty for her actions.
I'll say it again. Why should a woman have to go through the torture of having a baby just because she was unwillfully violated by a terrible criminal? That's like me stabbing you in the abdomen, and then telling you you can't take it out, no matter how much it hurts. Why do you want the victims to suffer even more? How cruel can people be nowadays?
Abortion I think is so wrong. I mean if you don't want a child, then why did you have sex, knowing there is a chance of getting pregnant. That's just what I think. I don't know about what everyone else thinks though.
Condoms break, sweetie. And sometimes it's too late to notice you're pregnant to start using the pill. What about women who are raped?
Condoms break, sweetie. And sometimes it's too late to notice you're pregnant to start using the pill. What about women who are raped? [/b][/quote] If you're responsible enough to have sex you should be responsible enough to make sure that doesn't happen. If I have sex and don't want to carry around a baby for 9 months, i'll be damn sure I don't get knocked up. How is that for pro choice? Choice to either choose abstinence or be careful. Rape victims- there was no choice, why make the women suffer more? Baby deformities- I can understand some people not being able to take care of a disabled child or a child that may die at birth. Other than that, the pregnancy could've been prevented, the couple should've made the choice to use protection and be careful.