I am just wondering what everyone thinks about abortion. Do you think it is wrong to kill a baby or is it okay to kill a fetus? I personally think that it is wrong to kill. I believe that a fetus is a human being, so if you were to kill it you would be taking a life. There are so many adoption agencys out in the world that would take the baby and find it a good home if it really needed one, in the case that the mother couldn't support the baby. Well, give me your feedback on whether you think abortion is right or wrong. Thank you
It depends on the situation. If a woman is raped and becomes pregnant, then abortion is a good choice if a woman doesn't want to have the baby. If an irresponsible woman uses abortion like birth control, then that is completely wrong.
The last post was like, four years ago, LJ. As for my stance, I support the idea of abortion if the child was the result of rape, but do not support it as a form of birth control.
Been dead for over two months. And i'm sure someone would jump on him for searching and necroposting. I say abortion is ok for things like rape and all that, but to use it as a way to dodge responsibility is foolish. It's not that hard to use a condom. But if she did something to the condom (pop it to entrap the guy), abortion is ok.
Been dead for over two months. And i'm sure someone would jump on him for searching and necroposting. I say abortion is ok for things like rape and all that, but to use it as a way to dodge responsibility is foolish. It's not that hard to use a condom. But if she did something to the condom (pop it to entrap the guy), abortion is ok. [/b][/quote] Yeah, but all opinons have already been documented in that thread. He was curious how we felt, so going to that thread would be a great place to learn how everyone felt about it.
Yeah, but all opinons have already been documented in that thread. He was curious how we felt, so going to that thread would be a great place to learn how everyone felt about it. [/b][/quote] Yea, but who likes reading? Active, current discussion is much more enjoyable (except on topics such as politics, religion, and music ).
Yea, but who likes reading? Active, current discussion is much more enjoyable (except on topics such as politics, religion, and music ). [/b][/quote] *falls on the floor*
I think it's wrong. Now if it's because of rape.. well then I suppose it could be ok. But I don't know...hmm.. I still think it's wrong to kill. Imagine you where that fetus... you wouldn't be here right now.. right? That would suck! You're only given one life.. it's unfair to die before you where even given a chance to live. Focus on the life that will be taken instead of the women who is pregnant. I think adoption is a better choice.
Do you have a reason? [/b][/quote] I support it in cases of rape, thats self explanitory, but I support it in any other case. It's her body, the government shouldn't be able to tell the woman what she can and cannot do with her own body. It's her choice, even if she is irresponsible and doesnt use birth control, I'd rather have the unwanted child aborted than end up growing up in an orphanage knowing that he was unwanted and a mistake.
You do have a good point and it has made me more open to abortion. But I'll rather live in an orphanage than to not exsist at all. People are always looking far babies to adopt.
I say, if you're able to kill it, then it's alive. So abortion's murder. Even under the circumstances of rape, murder is murder. Listen to Dave, adoption works, lol.
I strattle the line of pro-choice and pro-life. If the girl gets raped, she should have the right to abort the child. But if it's just a careless mistake, she should have to take the responsibility of raising the child.
So if a woman is violentley raped, she should be stuck with the child? Thats BS. Pregnancy isnt an easy thing, common sense will tell you that. and IMO, theres no reason a woman should have to put up with the pain and hassle of pregnancy and labor and foot the hospital bills when she didnt even want to have sex in the first place.