A Thousand Suns Leaked

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Sep 7, 2010.

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  1. Deven747

    Deven747 New Member

    Sep 8, 2010
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    I just watched this video online, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUV0ItzzjAs&feature=related
    and Mike says that even if all you like it loud guitars, they are still the same people who made that kind of music, that hasnt changed...despite the band's taste, so if you listen to the older records 99% of the time, for the other times there's still this one for some variety' - i like his take on that
  2. Ryez

    Ryez Active Member

    Jul 20, 2010
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    I don't think I'll ever listen to ATS, first album I won't be buying.

    That said, when "When They Come For Me" is released as a single, I'll def buy that. Great song.
  3. The Candidate

    The Candidate Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    Hard = Good
    Not-Hard = Awful

  4. 101nemesis

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    Iridescent sounds like an amazing stadium song, especially the last portion..where the band sings. They can get the entire audience to sing along !! I hope they create some epic stage design for concerts like MUSE !!!
  5. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2009
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    Why? Because of negative reviews?

    You're going to let other people decide what you like? That's sad... in a pathetic sort of way.
  6. thomas003

    thomas003 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2007
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    Only 2 days from now! Can't wait! I still resist!
  7. vision810

    vision810 New Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    Just listened to it for the first time and I have to say my mind was blown away, several times. I loved it thoroughly. I was expecting a good album, but not something as special as this. I was a bit worried when I heard Wretches And Kings a few days ago since I didn't quite like it. But the way it sounded with the rest of the album made it grow to me. I won't be naming any favorite songs since I would have to list about 6-7 songs. Some of the interludes could have been left out, but full songs make up for that a thousandfold. For me their best album yet. So much respect to the band for pulling this off.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2010
  8. Dara

    Dara Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2010
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    I have not listened to the album yet. But I have read some of the comments.
    I'm an old Linkin Park fan and I still like the first 2 records and listen to them. They still sound fresh. I don't understand why some of you "non-haters" say we only like angry music. Is "Breaking the Habit" angry? Is "In the End" angry? IMO a band or a solo artist must maintain it's own identity. Metallica make metal music and if someday makes R&B it won't be good. In the other side Lady Gaga makes pop music and cannot make metal music. The sound of Linkin Park was so unique that you couldn't find any music like that. The first 2 records are still fresh to me but M2M sounds boring.

    Buy the way "Wretches and Kings" is realy good.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2010
  9. spursrule

    spursrule Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    The fact that Mr Hahn is in this album a lot makes it even more awesome!!!!!!!!!!
  10. bojkic

    bojkic Member

    Jun 3, 2010
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    listened to it 4 times when it just leaked, then stopped, slept and now two times again.

    Now I love it even more!!! Awesome work guys! My favourites:

    1. Waiting for the end (this will be a megahit, a la numb - that means I will probably get sick of it afterwards :D)
    2. The Catalyst,
    3. When they come for me,
    4. The Messenger,
    6. Blackout,
    5. Iridescent,
    7. The Requiem,

    Least fav: Burning in the skies (not bad just sounds like WID and ND), Robot boy (misses some edge, maybe those synths we hear towards the end should have been more prominent), Wretches and kings(again love the beat, choruses and heyheyheys kill it for me)

    Even on first listen this is much better than M2M(which I was very disappointed with at the start).

    We gotta realise this was not made for the existing LP fans and many will not love it(those who love louder music with guitars). However, fans who were growing up with LP and learnt that you have to be open minded and taste and love other genres as they bring something valuable in too, will adore this record.

    This a great mix of contemporary sounds, just like HT was in its time!!!

    Think about it... many of the sounds on the ATS you can hear in songs today by various artists from different genres. But Linkin Park has managed to blend them in a right way, again.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2010
  11. VorteXLP

    VorteXLP Cheetas strapped to space rockets.

    Mar 10, 2010
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    Best. album. ever.
  12. spursrule

    spursrule Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    The lyrics in WTCFM and Blackout!
  13. Agent

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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  14. spursrule

    spursrule Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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  15. Blackee Dammet

    Blackee Dammet Feminism Is My God Now

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Hybrid Theory wasn't nearly that experimental or revolutionary as most of you think it was.

    Just sayin'.
  16. lprullzBG

    lprullzBG Active Member

    Aug 18, 2010
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  17. Shayan86

    Shayan86 Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2010
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    Listened to it 5 times last night. Woke up toay and listened to it for the 6th time, mind was blown away again, the album is siiiiccckkkk!!
  18. Wizardofozil

    Wizardofozil Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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  19. Kaleda519

    Kaleda519 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    You sound about the same age as me! :) But I definitely agree. HT was not the first thing I listened to but it was the first I LOVED in a way that I never had with anything else before. I love every LP album but this is right up there, it really is.

    Anyway my review, it won't be as in depth as many but it's my general thoughts so...

    The Requiem- 10/10

    Great interlude and start to the album. Agree with Ana, it does sound like a girl singing, even the Kerrang! review thought so!

    The Radiance- 9/10

    All the interludes seem to fit well and gel well with the rest of the album. This one included, could have been added to The Requiem though I suppose.

    Burning in the skies- 9/10

    It took a couple of listens for me to really get it but I love it, such a nice song. Can't wait til I see them in November, this will be epic live with everyone singing along with Chester!

    Empty Spaces- 5/10

    It's 18 seconds long, there's not much to say...

    When they come for me- 10/10!

    Oh wow, I love this, love this, love this! Mike is insanely good! This is the song that grabbed me on first listen and wouldn't let go, just amazing. Great beat too.

    Robot boy- 8/10

    Took me a while, but it's growing on me. I wouldn't say it's my favourite and it's a lot different to what I expected when I first heard the title but still, it's a nice song.

    Jornada Del Muerto- 9/10

    It's an interlude, so there's not too much to say but Mike singing in Japanese. Hell yeah!

    Waiting for the end- 9/10

    Again not what I expected, and Mike's rapping! Oh my God! I do like it though, it's seriously catchy and I love Chester on this too. Another one that will sound amazing live.

    Blackout- 10/10

    Insane, but not as insane as I expected when reading the first 17 odd pages of reviews! I love it though, a great track.

    Wretches and Kings- 10/10

    Most of us should know this one by now. I love it, have loved it from the first listen. Beat is great, both Mike and Chester sound amazing too. Quite Fort Minor-ish

    Wisdom, Justice and Love- 10/10

    Yes it's an interlude, but an amazing, eerie and deep one at that.

    Iridescent- 10/10

    I love this, it's so gentle but powerful and the vocals from both Chester and Mike are beautiful. The choir style singing is beautiful. This is another song that will be amazing live. Can't wait to hear it!

    Fallout- 5/10

    Interlude. Again not much to say but it does link the tracks together well and like the other interludes, if you listen to the album without any stops it just helps it flow well.

    The Catalyst- 10/10

    We know this one, it's epic. And even more epic as part of the album. I love it!

    The Messenger- 10/10

    As has been noted, the tone of this is very different to the rest of the album and I think that's deliberate. Prominent acoustic guitar, maybe deliberate as there is a lack of guitars on the rest of the album? And Chester sounds great, so powerful and full of emotion. A nice calm end to quite an experimental and hectic album.

    Overall it's a 9.5/10 I suppose! I love the album, I knew it would be different but the sheer scale of it and the amount of different sounds and influences is mind blowing. I am seriously impressed. The boys have done an amazing job, and I know this will be another one of their albums i will listen for days and days, and not get bored.
  20. Nabuka

    Nabuka New Member

    Sep 7, 2010
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    I really liked the album. Really, really, really, REALLY liked it. What sucks for me is the fact that where I live (Portland, OR), all my friends are "Old LP" fans, and think it's too soft, or slow. I spent three hours trying to convince them otherwise. But to no avail.

    Sorry guys, I failed you v_v

    I'll give it 9/10. Only listened to it once though. Give me a few more run throughs and it'll be a 10 probably.
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