Compromising your art for money = sell-out. This isn't selling-out. I don't know how somebody can act like ATS is selling-out. HT/Meteora ESPECIALLY = sell-out
Sure it does. It means writing songs that are all 3 minutes, have very cliché lyrics and melodies designed, not for enjoyment but, to stay locked in your head to remember them at a later time to want to buy their albums. HT and Met are albums that really pushed the LP sound to what it was then. I can't call it sell out before they had not released any previous material. You could label a lot of bands sell outs but you need to justify it. MTM pushed the sound in a new unexplored direction for them and it is easy to argue that they stole a lot of sounds and ideas from other bands and from their previous two works. But really, it still was short and was over sooner then I liked. With ATS, I am hoping to hear them dive deeper into building musical ideas better over time and The Catalyst demonstrates this perfectly. There is no real chorus and it is so non-commercial you could design a degree around it looking at how that is so. However, I still need to hear Linkin Park do a 8-10 min song where they push their sound further. It is possible. LP would be sell outs if their next album is a cookie cutter repeat of HT or Met. The moment an artists stops exploring art like it is a never ending cave of potential and simply write music with money in mind, then they are sell outs. We could also argue then that artists like Celene Dion and Shania Twain are sell outs and well, they are not. They are a market to their own in which it is easily to listen to, heavily produced and targeted to an older market. But there's my 5 cents on the matter. Bring on ATS!
^No. What you are referring to is being radio friendly. Producing that type of music is meant to do well on the charts and attract people's attention, but doing the same type of songs very often on almost every album and being on auto-pilot is what means to be a "sell-out", if such a word even exists. Wonder what happened to "unoriginal". Also, you are talking about it as if it's some hypnosis and the buyers have no control over their needs regarding music. It's not like someone forces you to buy a Soulja Boy album, if you're mentally healthy and psychiatrist-free, you're not going to buy it. I agree on those 8-10 min songs, I was expecting something similar on ATS. Some Dream Theater-styled hardcore diverse, pedophile, rapist kind of music for drug addicts and crackheads. Which, in my dictionary, means a beautiful, long and complex album. Oh, yeah, what happened to you during the last 3 years?
What? Really? I've never heard of that haha. But I've always wanted to try to cook Coke and see what it tastes like haha
Seriously, you need to change your sig to what I demanded. "I FUCKING LOVE YOU HANNAH MONTANA. WILL YOU MARRY ME?" And you also have to change your name to whatever Hellions wanted.