i got a question; why is it that for example, someone asks someone else "do you like blink182(just usin them as an example)", and they say "well i used to like them, but they got too popular so now i dont" umm isnt it supposed to be about the music?? i mean, their music hasnt changed one bit, its just that ur gonna grow a bigger fanbase. 3 girls in my school were talkin about that, only they were using wrestling AND music as their argument instead of just music. it made me think about this. hehe sorry, yall prolly think im weird/wacko/crazier than michael jacko, but o well!
I agree. I hate people who dont like a band because they are popular and everyone likes them. But the thing is, if everyone 'hates' Blink 182 because their so 'popular', wouldnt that make them NOT popular? Think about it... And I like some Blink songs
That happens at my school a lot. People don't like Linkin Park because they think they're too popular when, for fact, they aren't that popular (not trying to bring down the band, but you get my point). I hate people like that. Just like LP says... they aren't trying to be mainstream but they can't help it if they become that way. It's going to happen no matter what. But I personally hate Blink 182... and all "punk."
most of the music i hear is on the radio so it's already popular anyways hehe but then u can venture further and find your own band and love their #### so it's all good I know SOMEWHERE I BELONG....i just cant find it yet hehe +Omi
i don't know much people who think that way, but i hate it when people are so close-minded that way. they should be more open to what the band has to offer musically, not how everyone knows them.
well yeah i dislike people who "say" that they like a certain band or singer just because they're popular and all their friends listen to them like who cares if they r popular/not hip enough for you, i go for music with good......."music"! duh. dont laugh at me but i listen to any kind of music like indian,rap,etc. even "pop" well u see lp was the first "um non brown band" that i liked people the music wasnt hardcore like slipknot and the tunes were magnificient. u see where im gettin at?
At my school people either like a band/song only because its popular. or they dislike a band/song because its too popular. it gets on my nerves :angry:
i understand it, sometimes! Example:Limp Bizkit, Too Pop. Sold Out. Sound like Crap. i swear it wasn't me Ewww it was you. you stink! I kinda like it... I like cheese! CHEESE!!! oh i thought we were taking pics. Damn that was my good smile. HAHAHAHA... He said Cheese...and you thought...HAHAHA B) Straight Pimpin yo Oh he is so hot <_< Yeah he'll be hot when i bun him with an iron... Timmy!!! :angry: Shut it Fun Boy!!!! I'm so alone... Can I be alone with u? OHHHH!!!! Ninja... Star... in... the... butt.... :chemist: Got him!!!!