9/11 Rant

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by User Name, Sep 11, 2003.

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  1. #21

    Alexis Extremely H! Vltg3

    Jul 21, 2003
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    you're a crime.

    ;) (pssssst: I'll take your argument seriously when you pass the third grade english curriculum, or maybe even when you start to speak with some relevancy)
  2. #22
    Omar A

    Omar A Beyond Science LPA Super Member

    Jul 9, 2003
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    I haven't read the whole Topic so If I said anything that someone already did. Then Please ignore it.

    I just wanna say that I'm from Iraq living in Canada. And I think what happened on Sep/11 was a traqedy. thousands of people died that day by a group that america calls terrorist. But I think that Bush is a terrorist too, because instead of solving this peacefully. He went and attacked Afghanistan and killed thousands of innocent people and still didn't get Bin Laden. 5 Months ago, Bush declared war on Iraq because he said that Saddam had Nukes. After killing all these innocent people including my 2 cousined, aunt and an uncle. They didn't find any Nukes and Saddam is still hanging around Iraq. So who is the real terrosrist behind this. I think Bin Laden, Saddam, Bush, the british prime minister (can't remember his name) are all terrorists.

    NOTE: Bin Laden was a millionair in Saudi Arabia and was married to the princess of Saudi. He worked for the CIA and then America hurt him emotionally and thats what caused him to go all crazy.

    May all the people who die everyday in this dark world live in peace

  3. #23

    dips Banned

    Jun 13, 2003
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    you're a crime.

    ;) (pssssst: I'll take your argument seriously when you pass the third grade english curriculum, or maybe even when you start to speak with some relevancy) [/b][/quote]
    Oooh, blah, blah, blah. *claps* So you knowing how to insult politely makes you more mature? I doubt that highly, love. :)

    Take whatever you want seriously or not but the facts stand, just because it's not put into a good wording you're not going to take it. Be that way, I really don't care. :teehee:

    Fine, I'll be... nicer...

    I'll work more later, I have WORK to do. ^_^
  4. #24

    Derek LPAssociation.com Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    You know what though? This post shouldn't even have been made in the first place Cameron, so if you want to talk about disrespectful posts you should seriously take a look at your own. You have to be one of the most disrespectful people I've ever known to even THINK of telling people to get over this. I used to respect you Cameron but...

    Have you ever taken into consideration that some people CANT forget about what went on, that maybe some people lost some friggin family members in all of this? People lost fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, cousins..you name it. It was such a big tragedy that the majority of the US was connected to the victims in someway, whether one of them was someone's cousin or thier friend.

    I respect you and Alexis' opinions that (and I quote):

    "Thousands of people will die from AIDS in Africa. Today.
    Tens of thousands of people will be killed soley because of their religion, race, and ethenic origin. Today.
    Tens of thousands of people will die from poor health care in developing countries. Today."

    But that in no way should undermine the sheer brutal nature of these attacks. Like dedicated said, its big news because of the circumstances involving these attacks. If it was a bomb I assure you nobody would've thought much of it, but because of the fact that somebody used FOUR COMMERICIAL PLANES filled to the brim with passengers to carry on these attacks, that people choose to remember this on the news every year.

    You are so disgusting now that I think about it Cameron, could you even imagine, being north of where the plane struck in the WTC and just slowly being burned alive and incinerated to your death while there is nothing but a huge fireball enveloping the area underneath you?

    Could you imagine being directly where the plane hit, and not even having a chance to run for your life before you are reduced to ash by the massive explosion from the plane as it ripped through the towers? Or better yet..could you imagine being in the streets as the towers fell down, while the ASHES OF LIVING PEOPLE are raining down on you, as you struggle to run away from the cloud charging down the street?

    Yes that's right Cameron, those ashes on the street were human bodies at one time. So I really have lost a massive load of respect for you to just simply undermine this attack, same applies to you Alexis.

    Try losing someone in one of these attacks, then try to say that people should just "get over it". How dare you be so unbelievably inconsiderate to the people who died in these attacks. You truly make me sick.

    So(I quote again):

    Thousands of people will die from AIDS in Africa. Today.
    Tens of thousands of people will be killed soley because of their religion, race, and ethenic origin. Today.
    Tens of thousands of people will die from poor health care in developing countries. Today.

    AT LEAST AMERICA CAN DO SOMETHING TO PREVENT THESE DEATHS! America couldn't prevent 9/11 because they were taken by surprize and there's nothing they can do to change it because it's already happened. At least America can change the things you listed above. (Yes they can even take care of the people who kill over their religion, race, and ethnic origin).

    So keep your little ideas in your head and have some damned respect for the people who perished on September 11th. My god...

    Free speech doesn't exist on forums you're right, and if I didn't give a sh*t about public opinion I would've deleted this post on site from the sheer disrespectfulness of it all.

    Like Alex I also feel your post is an uneducated immature slur. We are trying to be more polite as a website, and less strict to our members, but how are we supposed to grin at a post as disrespectful as this one? You're right we cant, and I refuse to swallow your opinion like a pill Cameron and Alexis.

    Just wait until a family member of yours is involved in an unprecendented terrorist attack, then you'll think twice about being so damned disrespectful.
  5. #25

    Cal LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Apr 9, 2003
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    derek i have to say well done on that post, thats the best post anyone has made on the boards, its mature, and it makes a GREAT point, its better than any journolist, good job
  6. #26

    Derek LPAssociation.com Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Yeah I read it to my father and he was impressed. I might change the wording of those two posts I made so its not directed at a specific person and take out the cuss words and use it as an essay for homeschool about my opinions on the matter. What do you guys think?
  7. #27

    Dedicated LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Jan 18, 2003
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    That's actually a great idea, Derek and I agree with your point ^_^
  8. #28

    dips Banned

    Jun 13, 2003
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    Yeah I read it to my father and he was impressed. I might change the wording of those two posts I made so its not directed at a specific person and take out the cuss words and use it as an essay for homeschool about my opinions on the matter. What do you guys think? [/b][/quote]
    I think I'm gonna cry. O.O :blush: *claps* All of my points put into that post of yours Derek, I'm just too damned lazy, and you know why. ^_^
  9. #29

    Derek LPAssociation.com Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I think I'm gonna cry. O.O :blush: *claps* All of my points put into that post of yours Derek, I'm just too damned lazy, and you know why. ^_^ [/b][/quote]
    Aww dun cry! :(.

    :lol: Yeah, 9/11 was a mess man. They did all this sh*t and because of what? Because of a higher power (Allah) told them to do it?

    Allah would never condemn such attacks, there's no way these attackers are supported by any god, except Lucifer ;) (the god of hell).
  10. #30

    dips Banned

    Jun 13, 2003
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    *smirks* Easily offended...... *laughs* Take your own advice there Cameron -.0

    Then the, "it's going to get ugly really fast"- How is it suppose to get that way if you won't let a little name calling here and there? Rude comments and such?

    Are you really that liberal to the point that you contradict yourself?! *LAUGHS* Get a back bone, and listen to others points. Geez... and you say I'm the third grader... learn to follow your own rules first.

    Freedom of speech not allowed in forums? Then gimme the rules on what I can and cannot say, and if they fall between the lines of me proving you wrong then I guess your just a little dog with his tail between it's legs. -.0
  11. #31

    Cal LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Apr 9, 2003
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    Yeah I read it to my father and he was impressed. I might change the wording of those two posts I made so its not directed at a specific person and take out the cuss words and use it as an essay for homeschool about my opinions on the matter. What do you guys think? [/b][/quote]
    do it if u want an A+ =/
  12. #32

    Chrissy Super Member

    Apr 26, 2003
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    Keep in mind that this is similar to the John F. Kennedy assassination: the assassination was an unprovoked attack, and everyone who was around then will never forget where they were. It will take a really long time before 9/11 is erased from our memories.

    Last night my college held a service in honor of those who lost a loved one(s) two years ago, and I am just so glad that I am not one of those people. For me, this tragedy will always be close to my heart because my father lives in New York City. He saw the second airplane hit the WTC. My next-door neighbor worked in the WTC.

    Part of me does want to forget about 9/11 so I can feel wholly comfortable riding airplanes again. But the other part of me wants me to be ultra-cautious forever around tall buildings and airplanes.

    I understand that not just Americans were killed. Most people I'm sure recognize this, as well. Do you think that they're going to list every single race that was killed in the 9/11 attack?

    Because 9/11 is only 2 years old, this will not vanish from the media so easily. The AIDS crisis was talked about for a while, and it took a while for the media to actually begin covering it. Now it's 20 years old, so it's not going to be a top headline.

    I covered a lot of these topics in my first paper on "what is monstrous in human society" so I won't go into detail, but I agree that it sucks that people are still dying today and aren't getting as much recognition as on the one date, but you have to remember that the media can be very biased. They don't cover news about mild genocide or the AIDS virus in Africa because unfortunately they don't consider it "new" or "important." (In government we talked about what makes news. It doesn't fall under any category, therefore it won't be covered.)

    OK I think my rant just lost all form whatsoever, so I'll wrap up. I apologize if this offends anyone, and if my opinion does not have too much supporting evidence, but keep in mind I had 3 classes in a row and my brain's fried....
  13. #33

    Alexis Extremely H! Vltg3

    Jul 21, 2003
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    Firstly: I am in no way saying that we forget 9/11, or leave it in the past. If anybody truly read my posts with an open mind (instead of jumping to conclusions and grouping my opinion together with Cameron's) then you should realize this. All I was trying to do is draw attention to other virtually ignored problems in the world, that is all. I have been antagonized for my views, and I suppose now that my terrible worldly and forward opinion is just to unpatriotic and I've lost everyone's respect. Fine. But I refuse to apologize for bringing attention to the countless people who will die today, just because we don't have enough "time" to help them. Sure, our goverments are sending aid! Good for them! I am proud of that my nation's leader cares! But do the people? For the price of a t-shirt per month, you could save many people's lives.

    Derek: Of course, it would be an unimaginable way to die during the attacks. I will not dispute that. I do not disagree with you in any way. But these people at least, have known a full stumach. They did not die in a slow agony, surrounded by their family who suffer the same fate. These people were not supressed and starving, these people were not brutalized, raped and pillaged by restless soldiers. I do not undermine the intensity of the horror that the world felt on 9/11, or the broken hearts of the people left to mourn their beloved. I only hope that today, you will think of the little girl who is dying of hunger and disease in Ethiopia, alongside the departed of September the 11th. They are both a horrible end, and I would not wish either upon anyone.

    (don't worry -- not even you, Dips :rolleyes: if you want me to bother reading your argument, don't insult me then expect me to take you seriously. Btw, your facts are wrong. Oh, and half of the crap your insulting me for, I wasn't even arguing with! Don't read the first two words of my post and then assume the rest of it is the same.)
  14. #34

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    This is getting out of hand. All you people are doing now is throwing petty insults instead of discussing this like mature people. There's no point in keeping this open if all we're going to do is call everyone "stupid" for no reason at all.
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