I was viewing 911truth.org and reading various articles about the conspiracy of September 11th and I came across the multimedia section that links to 911busters.com video section. I watched the video titled "Painful Deceptions" and it provides logical opinions and valid points about what happened that day and how the government is covering it up. This may be old news and some of the information you've already heard before, but I think it's worth a view. Please watch. Opinions? Comments?
The best site for information like this is www.infowars.com No doubt in my mind that the US government is fully behind it.
I actually found a video yesterday that I started watching about 9/11. It's actually really interesting and gets you thinking. The link to it is: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8260059923762628848&q=911 And yeah, I'm guessing it's old xD
I don't think Bush and his regime were behind 9/11, but I do believe that Bush did try (and was successful) at capitalizing on the tragedy, what with the war in Iraq and capture of Saddam.
I hate Bush as much as anyone and would support formal impeachment charges for misleading the nation on Iraq and the many number of other things his administration has done wrong, but you have to take everything with a grain a salt and review all the evidence after 9/11. Could he of prevented the attacks? Probably, was the government directly responsible for them? Unlikely. I consider myself pretty far leftist, but the majority of the nation wouldn't buy into any theories of 9/11 being planned by the Bush administration, we can't even get him impeached on other grounds. Are you going to ignore that Al Qaida exists and the evidence of the hijackers? What about Afganistan and the other solid facts. He has taken advantage of his powers and has used Iraq as a way to pursue his own personal vendetta in that region, but I don't buy into many conspiracy theories. If this kind of hate and energy are put into the 2006 elections and beyond, we won't have to worry about an administration like this next time; and if you don't vote (and are able), your opinion doesn't matter anyway, no matter if you're on the left or right.
Thank you for showing me that video. That was actually really interesting. I don't know what to say though. But whoever made that film though must have put a lot of time and effort and I give props to them. That gives me a totally wider perspective of 9/11.
Wow. I never questioned 9/11 before and its been over 4 years. I watched both videos and it made me start to think. I'm not sure how much support this idea has or for how long but I think it's safe to assume that this will gain a lot more support in the future.
Dedicated's video was really interesting and disturbing in away...wow...its so...mind thinking....man....
The guy did put alot of effort into making his point however compared to the mass amount of information there is regarding cover ups and military opperations involved with 9/11 he mearly hit the tip of the iceburg.
The only thing about September 11th that bothers me is the fact that they claim a Boeing 747 hit the Pentagon when there's absolutely no possible way a Boeing 747 could've made a hole that small. The wings would've done more damage to the outside of the structure than they did. And if the plane went in sideways, then the wings would've gorged the ground and they didn't. That's about the only thing I've got a problem with regarding 9/11. But then again some airplane nut is going to come in here and tell me I'm wrong.
I'm not an airplane nut but I watched something on Geographic Channel and well I guess the Pentagon is a really strong building and I doesn't seem logical to me that the plane made hole that small but there was an explanation for that ... like there is to everything.
You mean like, 3 planes disappearing completely even though there are definite parts of the planes which would not have 'disintergrated' upon hitting the buildings and could not possibly melted due to the heat of the burning? Personally, I think the scariest of all the images is the one where you can see a woman peering out of the hole the plane made in the South Tower... At least I think it was the South one, my memory sucks ass.
And people don't believe me when I tell them 9/11 was a huge conspiracy...good to know that I'm not the only person with enough knowledge of chemistry to know that there's no possible way fire could have caused the Twin Towers to collapse.
yeah, thats really unusual, not to mention they were the first to collaspe due to fire...its too unrealistic
Of course! Santa and the Easter Bunny were fighting over the tooth fairy, and crashed into the pentagon! :O
So I guess when Al Queda, terrorists that HATE the US claimed to take full responsibility, that was just a typo. You do know that evidence that proves things other than the fact that the US was behind it mean absolutely nothing. Its all propaganda. Example - If I make a website, and post information about children joining the HJ in the 40s and how it helped them make friends, and picked out little other things that maybe Hitler did that were good, I could make people believe that it was the US that forced the Jews into concentration camps. Think about what you're listening to, they're saying that Bush's family is linked to Nazis, and I guess that's enough evidence for some people to believe that the US is behind 911. Remember, people liked the Nazi party before they went crazy. Adolf Hitler was Time's man of the year at one point.
I base my opinions on the facts presented about the events that took place around the time surrounding 9/11, not who Bush's family is associated with. I really wouldn't be surprised if he was somehow linked to Hitler or something but that doesn't influence my opinions on 9/11.
Same here. No offense, but I think some people are just stretching things a little bit with this kind of stuff. Is it impossible? No, of course not. It's a possible event. But it is also a highly improbable event. It's not that I just think people are being silly -- I've seen all the videos, I just don't agree with them. Everyone's entitled to their own beliefs, though. But if you look hard enough for anything like this and you'll find something to back you up somehow.