Just found this while cruisin' around...any thoughts on this one? Personally, it makes my stomach turn to think that the principal would believe that this was an appropriate step to take against a 5-year-old... :wth: Source
This is not that serious in my opinion. Okay, so the police put a piece of steel around a 5 year olds wrist and drove him around the block a couple of times, big deal. They could have done something much worse, it's not like the principal hit the kid. The principal was just tired of the kid being such a trouble maker, so he tried to straighten him out by striking a little fear into him. Yes, it's wrong and shouldn't have been done, and yes i know there are other ways to get a child to stop being a trouble maker, but i don't think it's that big of a deal.
It's not disturbing or sickening. It's not like they beat the kid or anything. Oh, and my response: BWHAHAHAHAHA
There's no fucking way some asshole school/cop is going to put handcuffs on my kid just because he's a nuissance. Fuckers.
Putting a kid unwillingly in handcuffs without consent of a parent or guardian, seems like too harsh of a punishment to me and borderline child abuse. The kid is fucking 5 years old for christ's sake, how much damage could the kid actually do? Kids walk around at that age and punch things all the time! There are better ways to discipline a child than putting him in fucking handcuffs.
seems to me that the principal freaked out too much. yes, the kid might be heading that way, so instead a talk with his parents who should get some parenting classes how to give a kid positive attention so he aint getting it negative way because if his parents or other carers dont notice him when he's doing good, but only when he's being bad, then of course he is gonna be bad cos thats what pays, so if they turn it round and learn new methods (i practised that when my daughter screams for attention or to get what she wants instead of asking nicely, i ignore it, when she stops i say ' thanks you stopped screaming now we can talk or whatever it works wonders) and built the kid to behave. there are rules that you dont have to scream or punish the kid in a cruel way and it works so all sides can be chilled out and happy. takes times and it aint easy, but its better then letting the kid turn into criminal at the worse and at the least letting the kid to get on peoples nerves and do their head in so they freak out on him.
i think it was a stupid decision. there are other, more sensible ways to handle a situation like that.
Sometimes you have to teach lessons to kids at young ages to try and set them straight for the rest of life. If the kid's hurting others in class and won't stop, he's dangerous. He needs to be set straight. The handcuffs probably weren't necessary, but driving around in a police car and getting talked to by the big man couldn't hurt. My mom always threatened to bring my brother down to the police station because he kept getting out of his car seat while we were driving, it worked very well.
Surely causing the Child a little discomfort for less than an hour is better than the same child causing trouble for the more than one person all day?