Are you sure you can wait 3 months for it to be released? I mean, you're going to buy it first day anyways, right? [/b][/quote] The leak will probably push the release date foward. I already waited 2 years for a single, I can wait 2/3 months for an album.
I'm loving "A Modern Myth". I'm getting chills. The guitars in "Revolve" remind me of Blink 182's "Adam's Song". And that's not a bad thing.
they may have called it a beautiful LIE, but i'll tell you the TRUTH, this album is AMAZING! that was corny, but eh.... lol.... it took me like an hour, and then almost giving up last minute to find this album.... if you want it bad enough, you definitely will find it, lol but this album is great, so much better than S/T.... i will be picking this up the first day most definitely. as for that talking intro, it sounds ike it was recorded using a handheld video camera, i think it's funny, but it'd be better used in the beginning of like the music video for it or something.
so sorry for the O/T here, but i like your name WalmartvsKMart, lol i mean i used to work at K-Mart and now I work at Wal-Mart.... ok, that's enough rubbish for now, lol, back to listening to A Beauitful Lie
so sorry for the O/T here, but i like your name WalmartvsKMart, lol i mean i used to work at K-Mart and now I work at Wal-Mart.... ok, that's enough rubbish for now, lol, back to listening to A Beauitful Lie [/b][/quote] And I work at Target which is better than those 2 places Eh, yeah, since I'm an admin, I should be encourgaing on-topicness. This is a great album
My review... This album, "A Beautiful Lie", tears the self-titled debut to shreds. Let's be honest here: I absolutely love 30 Seconds to Mars. I loved their first album... heck, I was one of those nerds who was anticipating it months before it even came out, even though they hadn't released anything officially yet. The album's lyrics are a lot better than the self-titled, I personally think. Some would beg to differ, but I honestly don't see what they're talking about. I think every song on this album is a lyrical masterpiece. I'll be honest with you: I had my doubts when I first heard "Attack" (and I even mentioned them here), but the rest of the album is solid (and "Attack" isn't bad, either... good choice for a single, and the album is filled with good choices). The instrumentals were one part I was worried about, and I can say my worries were honestly mistaken. The guitars are great ("Attack" probably has the weakest guitars of all the songs, I think... listen to the title for some good shredding), the drums are great (listen to the drums on "Savior" or "The Kill" and you'll understand... nothing simple, nothing overkill, just perfect). The bass even has it's moments, like at the beginning of "The Fantasy." I like this album a lot more than the debut. A few songs feel slow, but they're not bad songs because of it... they're just a little change of pace from the rest of the album. One such song would be "Revolve": it's not a bad song, but it's a tad different from the rest of the album. It's a good change of pace, and leads into the last track ("A Modern Myth") perfectly. None of the songs are exactly weak, though. Standout tracks (in my opinion): "Savior", "The Kill", "From Yesterday" (great chorus), "A Beautiful Lie" None of the tracks are bad though, as I previously stated. Edit: Oh yeah... the album is 10 tracks long, but it's not short -- it's between 38 and 39 minutes.
I just found 'thirty seconds to mars-a beautiful lie.exe' I'm not clickling it. I'm gonna pull a Casey.