2012 Vote

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Erica, Sep 24, 2011.

  1. Benjamin

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Obama (and most democrats) wants to cut taxes for the middle class though. It does not make sense why they should pay 35% when the biggest chunk of wealth is controlled by the rich. And I agree also think the 999 plan is bad bad bad.

    Wait, just kidding. ALL ABOARD THE #CAINTRAIN.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
  2. SuperDude526

    SuperDude526 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    If it's a myth, then what's with all the history books confirming it? Unless history is a lie invented by our Nazi Commie government to keep us down, in which case we're all fucked.
  3. ThaHandyman

    ThaHandyman Banned

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I think the 999 plan would help close the loopholes we have in our tax system right now. The one that lets illegal immigrants make money without paying income tax. The one that lets people unwilling to get a job live off of unemployment. I'm not well read on the rest of Cains policies, but I like this idea a lot.
  4. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    All? I've never read about it.

    And will these be the history books that claim 9/11 was the result of the US being too wealthy and free?

    Let me get this straight. So you want to take care of immigration policies by using tax policies? That still won't solve the problem of illegal immigrants coming here. Nor will it solve any loopholes. And it adds the extra problem of another tax that people have to pay. Another tax that is almost guaranteed to keep getting raised, just like the income tax did.

    If we want to solve immigration problems, we have to look at the reasons immigrants are coming here illegally in the first place. Free education for their children, free healthcare, citizenship for their yet-to-be-born child, and employment. We won't need a fence to create a safe and secure border. We just need to stop providing those incentives for illegal immigrants as well as end the drug war.

    And to look at the bigger picture which you're alluding to, lack of taxes are not the problem. Spending is the problem. Even if we were taxed 100% it wouldn't be enough to get us out of debt for like 10 years. Massive and uncontrolled spending is our only problem.

    Edit: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/10/15/texas-man-told-to-return-fema-aid-money/

    Gotta love big government. Inefficient and untrustworthy. Wouldn't it be nice if everything were done at the state level? The federal government shouldn't be getting in our affairs.

    Edit Edit: How does this sound? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...ernment-to-hire-all-unemployed-americans-for/
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2011
  5. SuperDude526

    SuperDude526 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    Oh dear.
  6. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    I don't get the beef with Fox News. All main stream media is biased and horrible these days. I don't find Fox to be any worse than the rest.

    Anyways, if you stopped when you saw Fox News, you're lucky. Your head would more than likely explode when reading that nonsense of a jobs plan. These are the kinds of economic minds we have in our government. Pretty goddamn scary.
  7. SuperDude526

    SuperDude526 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    Say what you want about all mainstream media being biased (and yes, bias exists everywhere, such is human nature), but at least CNN has never misplaced an entire freaking country. With FOX it's not so much bias I'm worried about (although don't worry, there's plenty of that) so much as the fact they just plain get things wrong or even make shit up.
  8. Erica

    Erica Meh LPA Über VIP

    Sep 3, 2010
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    well I can tell you that after tonight's debate I will not be voting republican
  9. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Last edited: Oct 20, 2011
  10. ThaHandyman

    ThaHandyman Banned

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Because some people can't think independently and would rather rely on a bureaucracy and government to take care of their income.

    Sry Travz i knew I said I'd reply to something in another thread but that was awhile and I forgot what it was even about.

    I did however watch the majority of the GOP debate, and came to the following conclusion. Perry fell off. End of story there. Bachman sounds like a cheerleader more than a politician. Not being sexist, she just keeps promoting herself as president and knocking Obama instead of focusing on issues at hand. That speaker dude had great social views, but wasn't very confident or aggressive. Newt, well he's boring.

    That leaves Paul, Cain, and Romney. It seemed to me that Romney won the debate, really, he countered everything perfectly. Paul wasn't really attacked, as John Stewart has pointed out before. Cain sounds very to the point, and as I've said before, I like his tax plan. The other two are great, but this dude isn't a pussy when it comes to talking politically correct. I like all three of these guys, I'll finish the last 30 min. of the debate today.

    I hope it doesn't have to be said that I like these three better than Obama on any day.
  11. ernieball003

    ernieball003 Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2006
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  12. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Remember how Obama said he'd bring the troops home as soon as he got in the White House? Nothing he campaigns on can be taken seriously. He's all hot air. Always has been. It's so lol that he's campaigning on the same things basically. Like we should believe him this time after he's lied to us?


    Obama is also trying to get $1 billion for his campaign.

    Dude is a joke and will cause the fall of our nation. Likewise with Romney, Cain, Perry, Bachmann, and every other status quo puppet.

    Edit: Here's a very good read. http://endoftheamericandream.com/ar...e-our-economy-that-every-american-should-know
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2011
  13. SuperDude526

    SuperDude526 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    You disapprove when he doesn't bring the troops home, you disapprove when he does bring the troops home. I assure you I'm not an Obama fanboy, but it seems to me some are just determined to dislike him no matter what.
  14. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    He hasn't brought the troops home.
  15. Derek

    Derek LPAssociation.com Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    So if he does keep his promise that he just declared to the media, and ends the Iraq war and brings the troops home before January of 2012, are you going to give him credit then?
  16. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    I'll give him credit for this promise if he actually follows through on it. There's just so many horrible things that he's done for this to make a difference in how people should perceive him. There's been talk that Iraq is actually telling us to leave, not that we're willingly pulling out. But if we are pulling out willingly, even if solely for the fact that we're broke and we can't afford it, I will applaud Obama for making his first wise move in a long time. Now if we could just close up shop everywhere else around the world and get everyone home.

    What's more than likely going to happen is he'll just send those or new troops into Iran. This is the same president who won the Nobel Peace Prize and ordered bombings the very same day. To expect anything other than policing the world from him would be unwise.
  17. Mark

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    If I have you correctly pegged as a Republican, which by the anti-Obama remarks and Fox News links seems to be the case, I don't feel you have any leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing a President for war mongering, bombings and world policing, considering Obama's predecessor was a Republican well-versed in those activities.

    Regardless of President, from either side of the aisle, there will always be a level of "world policing" from the United States. How they choose to impose their influence is another matter however (i.e. going through NATO or saying "fuck you we're doing it anyways").

    To me it seems you're changing your argument to suit your affiliated party's agenda, much like how many Republican talking heads gave no credit to Obama for the US' role in Libya's liberation (a NATO-led operation, btw), instead choosing to shift the conversation to thanking the British and French for their involvement.

    I'd also like to see some credible proof of this "Iraq is telling us to leave" claim, from a reputable news source. If those exist outside of Fox News, in your world.
  18. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    I'm an anarcho-capitalist. Or just a libertarian to make things not as confusing for now. Republicans and Democrats are almost identical. And there is no such thing as a reputable news source with regards to politics. Every outlet in the main stream media is untrustworthy. Not that I care to defend them, but Fox News is just as bad as the rest.

    I'm consistent with my arguments, but I could see where someone would think otherwise if they thought I were a Republican. I've trashed Republicans just as much as I've trashed Obama and pretty much everyone in the federal government.

    Obama deserves no credit for Libya. He went to war without congressional approval and it was unconstitutional. It led to many innocent lives being lost without a clear idea of what would happen even if the war "succeeded", whatever that would entail. What he's done his entire term has been despicable. But at the same time, he's not a whole lot worse than many of the presidents before him. He was dealt a shitty starting hand, but he has no idea how to handle economic issues or foreign policy, the only 2 issues that matter right now, so inevitably it will lead to our downfall if he gets elected for a second term. Letting the Federal Reserve run rampant while having 700 military bases around the world and policing everyone is a guaranteed way to meet hyperinflation. It's only a matter of time if the status quo keeps winning the presidency.

    Here's a link I just searched for on the Iraq situation. I've read multiple things from multiple sources, so nobody really knows wtf is going on really. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/15/iraq-withdrawal-us-troops_n_1012661.html
  19. Derek

    Derek LPAssociation.com Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    As much as you've already called the current stock of GOP presidential hopefuls "status-quo" (which I commend you for), I hope you realize we'd be no different in regards to Iraq if McCain had made it into office. He's gone on public record this week criticizing Obama for the troop withdrawal saying we should've stayed there past this year. So besides having literally the most idiotic VP we've had in decades (Palin), he would've probably kept us there until after 2013.
  20. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Yes, I realize this. I did say that Republicans = Democrats. McCain scares me more than Obama somehow. To think that those were our two choices is solid proof how corrupt our bipartisan system is. The only people who can make a difference now are the pseudo-republicans/democrats who are really Libertarians. Ron Paul is running as Republican only so he can get into debates and actually get a fair look at votes. He ran for president in 1988 under the Libertarian party back when a lot of this mess was just getting started, and he was campaigning on the exact same things. 99% of the nation didn't have those views and were oblivious to the damages that would occur in the next 23 years. Even after having predicted the policing of the world, the terrorist attacks like 9/11 that would follow, the housing bubble, the extreme devaluation of the dollar, the consequential downfall of the economy, and having all the knowledge to fix it all, AND switching to the Republican party, he's still not the "frontrunner" at the moment.

    It's not that his views are extreme or that he doesn't know what he's talking about. It's just that we've been ignoring the facts for so long and now the solutions might seem extreme compared to the corrupt system we've come to learn and love just because the corrupt government has taught us this way our whole lives.

    People living in a pitch black room their whole lives would think it's extreme to turn on the light, even when it's clearly the way to go.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2011

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