Actually I think they characterize the Tea Party and Republicans quite well. Also Blackee that was kinda my point; they are basically the same party, just the fringe aspect of it. That's why all they really do to the political stage du jour is steal votes from their establishment equivalent.
I vote for Derek. No wait he runs this. I vote for me, I'ma genius. No wait screw that, I already live in a white house. ... I'll vote for Raptor Jesus. --RS
The war on poverty didn't work. Poverty increased, even though it was falling dramatically before Lyndon B. Johnson's "Great Society" programs. What reduces poverty on a grand scale? The free market does. What causes poverty? The government! This is because bureaucrats are paid and departments created to "help" the poor. They greedily grab up the money coming in, because the money is free (extracted by force from tax cattle). Government Causes Poverty Edit: Who would build the roads without Government? Edit edit: Private Citizens Perform $4 Million Road Repair Job For Free in 8 Days
The only GOP candidate, I'd even remotely support at this point is Jon Huntsman. And at about less than 10k in donations, I don't think he has a fighting chance. Of course amazingly, that idiot Herman Cain was the frontrunner only a month or two ago (before the allegations came out). Just goes to show you what's flawed in politics. Sorry but at this point Obama has my vote. He may not be a perfect president, but I'll be damned if I vote for any of these sideshow attractions in the GOP front lines.
well put Derek, the GOP race is just a circus act. It is a sideshow. its disgusting really, how the race to become president has turned into a reality show
I find it reasonable that someone would vote for Obama over Gingrich, or even Romney, because they are all basically the same. But can you really endorse someone who: Supports unlawful immoral wars? Supports big pharma? Supports private prisons? Supports the military industrial complex? Supports the war on terror? Supports the killing of innocent civilians? Supports the Patriot Act? Supports bank bailouts? Supports the death of our soldiers for private corporate interests? Supports Monsanto? Supports torture? Supports corporatism? Supports the war on drugs? Supports the private Federal Reserve? Supports the suspension of habeus corpus? Supports Americans being stripped of rights? Just to name a few. Here's a list of donors. This is a little old: Could the GOP please produce a candidate that isn't a homophobic, racist, ignorant, god fearing, hypocritical dipshit? I don't care if you're a Christian, good for you...but keep your fucking prejudicial religious views out of the White House. This is America: Land of the free. Not the "land where anyone who's Christian is free, but seriously fuck everyone else.". Damn.
These are my political views, and I'm just going to lay them out: I believe religion should never interfere with politics, and that this country's laws should not be determined based on religion but on what's ethically and morally right. I believe gays should serve openly in the military. I believe gays should have the right to marry. I believe Marijuana should be legalized and regulated as a means to boost the economy. I support a woman's right to choose. Am I a liberal? Maybe. But at least I'm not a prejudicial moron.
Also, I love how when we want to extend tax cuts for the middle class, Republicans need to find a way to pay for it. But when we cut taxes on the wealthy (where a disproportional amount of our revenue comes from), Republicans seem not to care about all of the lost revenue.
I know you guys are probably sick of Ron Paul talk from me, but he will get the federal government out of our personal lives. He will get the federal government out of marriages, out of religion, out of pro-choice/pro-life, out of drug prohibition. He will ultimately try to ween us off of the income tax entirely, and "pay for it" by decreasing government spending substantially, which nobody else even cares about. Nobody cares about any of these things in the GOP, nor does Obama, except Paul.
You do realize that even if Paul somehow got elected, the house/senate would likely block everything he does right? It's what happened with Obama and I'm sure it even happened with Bush a little. Unless he signs executive orders out the ass and pretty much violates the constitution as it currently stands, I can't see the house/senate helping him if he got into office.
The amount of partisan actions by the two major parties is sickening and inefficient, to say the least. The goal of both houses of Congress, more-so Senate, is special / personal interests > greater good of the country. I think, while Presidential elections are extremely important, the problems faced with the country lay more within the legislative branch. Congressmen and women are more focused on winning and keeping a "safe" record of how they vote to ensure they stay in office because, unfortunately, people pay way too little time when deciding on state representatives, and instead just vote for the incumbent. It is very difficult for a President to get much done with the amount of partisan politics happening right now in DC, regardless of the party the President represents.
So we should just vote for people who already don't care about us and violate the constitution? You go from complaining about candidates not caring about basic civil liberties to, when presented with someone who does care about those things, totally disregarding your previous complaints. Make up your mind. What's the point of your complaints if it doesn't matter what view the candidate has on civil liberties since you think they can't get by an uncooperative congress? So why does it matter to you if a candidate pisses on people's civil rights?
But the federal government should be involved with those things. Social issues should be consistent throughout the country. Where else in the world do you see a country allow something like the abortion in one region and prohibit it in another? It doesn't make sense. I will never understand this idea. I get that he would try to make up for the lost revenue with sales taxes, but that screws over the people who never paid income taxes in the first place, such as college students.
The more local the power, the better it is for the citizens. State power is more desirable than federal power, just like city power is more desirable than state power. If there's a bad law at the federal level, it affects everyone, and you can't escape it. If there's a bad law at the state or local level, it just affects those people, and they can move to another place. This disincentivizes the state or local power from making laws that displease their citizens, because if nobody wants to live there, the government won't get enough funding. Also, the more localized the power, the better it can spend the public's tax dollars to their liking. Having the most localized power possible is the best safeguard against a corrupt government. He wouldn't try to replace it with sales taxes. He would replace the income tax with nothing. The income tax is ~45% of the federal government's budget. If we eliminated that, we would still have around the same federal budget as we had in the mid 1990's. The problem with big government is that it makes the country poorer. The bigger it is, the more money it costs to run, which has to be taken out of the market (economy). Cutting the income tax would give an enormous amount of money back to the people. This would be a great start to increasing the health of our economy. And it's the only way.