Yahoo! News reported this evening that "Obama is poised to win 2012 election with 303 electoral votes." I realize this is from a fairly bias source and these polls usually aren't too accurate this early in the race, but do you guys think it's plausible? Is it fair to make this assumption without definitely knowing which Republican candidate for President will win the primaries?
i think depending on who else wants to go in presidency will determine if barrack obama is still going to be president
I was pretty confident that Newt Gingrich was going to win, but now it seems the GOP has finally accepted Mitt Romney as the prized "silver medal." After all, both Obama and Romney are practically the same choice. I feel like the executive branch is starting to lose, control isn't the right word, but importance. Elections and debates used to mean so much, and differences were clear between the two candidates. At this point, I think both Obama and Romney would have very similar Presidencies, with Gingrich and Paul being the clear wild-cards.
Obviously it's plausible, but it's 9 months away from election day. There's plenty of things that can happen in that time. You're going to have to dig extra deep to find unbiased political reporting. Every popular source you read will basically be all hype with little truth or substance. And you're right to think Obama and Romney would be almost the same thing.
I think it's far too early to declare any winner, and I think Yahoo was being incredibly irresponsible in their reporting. That said...the GOP isn't helping their case either. I've never seen as bad of a circus act as I've seen with the Republican primaries. They're going to go into the convention without a candidate, I guarantee it.
I think Obama will win, though politics can be unpredictable. Remember when Bush got a second term? Either way, any prediction right now is pretty much going to be bullshit.
There's no telling who will win the Presidential Election. I mean, we don't even know who is going to get the nomination from the GOP. Clearly, it's between Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney right now, but until that is sorted out, there's no way we can even be close to predicting who will win the Presidency. And someone made a point earlier about how the Presidency doesn't really matter so much anymore, and the truth is that the Presidency means nothing because Congress makes the majority of legislative decisions. This is why we should be just as concerned about who are representatives are in the House and the Senate as we are about who is going to be Commander-in-Chief come next year.
I'm still trying to come to terms with the idea that Rick Santorum is somehow a viable presidential candidate. Shit's getting scary.
The president can do a lot of things that would fix a lot of our current problems. The bad thing is that pretty much no president has really reduced our problems. Government just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Just the things off the top of my head that the president can do all on his own power: -He can end all of the wars, get out of the 100+ countries that we're occupying, close up the 600+ military bases we have in those countries, and bring all of the troops home to use for actual self-defense instead of aggression. -He can audit the federal reserve. -He can stop the DEA from going after druggies. He can pardon all drug offenders held in federal prisons. -He can repeal overreaching legislation like the Patriot Act and the NDAA. -He controls the executive branch. There's many things the president can do.
I...would rather live through another term with George W. Bush than see Rick Santorum be our president. Yup, I just went there.
I believe George bush was the worst president of all time and he's still a thousand times better than santorum
There are roughly 200 countries recognized by the UN. If prime ministers, queens, kings, chancellors, emperors and dictators don't count as presidents, then there probably aren't that many presidents. Just space them out, you wouldn't need too much stamina. Condoms would still be a good idea though. Of course. That's one of the main ingredients in Santorum. Don't use the off brand lube, it won't be as frothy.