Hahahahahaha. Don't worry theres gonna be plenty more songs, and hopefully they will be better and more like the old LP
Indeed. Might sound a little asinine, but atleast a track or two that totally emulates the "old LP" would be quite the treat.
Geeze, the OLD LP is Gone. There is not going to be any nu-metal on here, I think. Further more the band said that they weren't going back to that kind of sound. They are going into the ENERGY/ FRAME of it but not the actual sound itself. And that is exactly what I want. I love what I hear of The Catalyst so far. Linkin Park are doing a good job and I'll reiterate what I've said before. I don't care what kind of music it is, as long as it's good. But to backtrack and go back to their old sound is just not gonna happen and in my honest opinion would just be plain old dumb, considering how far they've come and evolved. BRING ON THE 14TH OF SEPTEMBER!
AGREED. And I'm not saying I don't like The Catalyst preview, its awesome. Just saying I liked the Hybrid Theory/Meteora Linkin Park better But still, I'm super psyched about A Thousand Suns
I agree. But, it's acapella, we don't know how the final song will be arranged, and it's the lead single which is never as good as the rest of the album. I'm still really excited for this. LP is finally making the music that THEY want to make, so we're about to see their true musical side.
Back then, they were trying to get themselves established and put out something that is their own, and appealed to a large crowd. Now they are making music that appeals to them, and they hope that it appeals to everyone else.
I remember an interview with Chester (I'm pretty sure it was Revolver Magazine, May '08) where he pretty much said straight up that with Meteora they caved to pressure from the fans & label to write HT2. If anyone has that issue I'd like to get a direct quote.
I'm sure someone posted a scan of part an interview he did with Revolver around that time, but I have no idea where it was.
Really, how could you think that? What gave you the impression 'cause I'm genuinely curious. They haven't stated they want to make music like they made in 1999 or 2000, in fact it has been the opposite for a very long time. What they did say is that they wanted to get back into a Hybrid Theory "Mind set" which means, the energy of the album, and probably a mixing of genres but there will be no rap-rock or any nu metal. I think people find it hard to accept but they just have to or move on and listen to something else. That's just not what linkin park are about anymore. In fact I'm pretty sure they completely want to stay away from the Meteora sound, as I recall in one interview Chester saying "no metal" and I'm pretty sure he meant "No nu-metal" Mike also saying "We haven't been a nu-metal band since 2004" What is it that keeps people clinging on to the false hope that they are suddenly going to change their mind just to appease the fans that they had then when they are making the music they want to make for themselves now. You want LP to give up on what they love, making music they like? If they started doing that they'd then do what a lot of complainers now accuse them of, and that is to sell out. And I really doubt they are going to do that.
I think you've taken Snail's post the wrong way, and he just meant that perhaps they did want to make that sort of music at the time.
I'm not expecting love at the first sight, but hope it will grow on me, like what MTM did to me. After hearing the most-likely-official remix of the song few times, The Catalyst has grown on me, althought I still think Mike's part could be better. I kinda like the whole thing, and I'm confident of the official single release and the album release. Anyone?
I'm pretty sure even the "most likely" remix of this song will be way off from the final version. Unless I'm wrong in what Linkin Park's twitter says.. lol
I kinda want them to have happier songs. Not exactly sunshine and rainbows, but anything that's not "put me out of my misery!" I find it harder and harder to believe they are that sad about life with the millions they've made and all the charity work they have done. They're in the mid 30's now, it's time to stop with all the sadness.
Happiness doesn't automatically come with age or wealth. I'd like to see Chester experimenting with his vocals more. Like using his lower register more and trying vocal effects, distortion, etc.