Click me I have no idea what this is. I haven't even finished reading it. But yeah - discuss - if anyone ever finishes reading the bloody thing.
copy text paste text in notepad read laugh post conclusion on LPA Some people are just plain wacko. Allright, there's a LOT the general populace doesn't know. But, if someone believes in it, then, by very definition, it doesnt need to be presented in such a shouting an intrusive manner. The fact that it is, says a lot. There *are* eight or something geometric constructs (cube, exahedron etc) that everything can be constructed down to. But then, the whole link he's putting down about people being cubes? He's not even clear in *how* he thinks that is. What, our physical bodes? Surely not, or I would have seen it. Our spirital or astral bodies? Those are formless. He's talking about it being a theory of everything. Well guys, that's the holy grail, and it's not that for nothing. So, i think it's bullshit.
I started to read it. A couple paragraphs in, my brain started pounding. Must have something to do with the rapidly changing text size and repitition of the content. I will probably have nightmares about rubix cubes tonight.
It's much more coherant if you do a search on Wikipedia for Time Cube. The particulars are actually quite logical, with his gripe against words and God, but his fundamental argument just.....strikes me as off somehow.
I'm not going to even try finishing that... but when I read part, I immediately thought of the Wisdom Cube from 'Aqua Teen Hunger Force.'
I have no ****ing clue. It's so damn long, I have no time to comprehend what I just read. I do believe I wasted 30 minutes of my life reading this, simply because I'm not educated enough to understand what's going on.
What would we do without you? So yeah. From what I read that's kinda cool, but it doesn't really grab my interest.