Are you kidding me? Should read something like: "Natural selection" [/b][/quote] natural stupid selection
natural stupid selection [/b][/quote] Word.... he must have been playing something that a little Russian boy would find addictive...
Give me a break man...I don't care how "hardcore gamer LOLOMGWTFBBQ" you are...the word "addiction" should never be brought into gaming. An individual makes a CHOICE to play a game that long, and should consider not only the abnormality of the situation, but the possibly health risks. The doctor said that he "couldn't" tear himself away from the game. Lies. He wouldn't tear himself away.
Mental "addiction", possibly. I put quotes around because utlimately, it's up to the individual. An individual does not take action unless it is done by his control. No one can control my actions literally. They can threaten or compell me, but it's my choice to follow them.
Just because you don't think it's an addiction does not mean it isn't. They just had a big special on the news (I think it was 20/20 or something) where they had specialists on for an hour talking about video game addiction and how it's becoming more prominent in kids lately. This story is perfect proof of that.
Why? How can you be addicted? Just because a show has a special on it, doesn't mean it's true either. If you think it's possible to literally become addicted to video game, prove it. I've proved my case: an individual under normal physical and mental circumstances (meaning not severely handicapped so that he is a vegetable) is the only one who controls himself. Every decision he makes, though maybe influenced by other people or things, is done only by HIS volition. If he chooses to, it will be done. If he chooses not to, it won't be done. If a man holds a gun to my head and demands I give him my money, it's still my choice to hand him the money or not, regardless of the influence. I'm asserting that it's impossible for a videogame to hold that much control over an individual to the point of killing him. The individual could have chosen to stop at any time, but he didn't. He may have thought it was in his best interest to keep going, but obviously he was wrong.
It's not impossible. It is a mental addiction. Not every addiction is like cigarettes or drugs, anything can put a hold onto someones mind where it is all they think about. I know, I was almost to that point myself. I used to be borderline addicted to video games. I would spend countless hours a day playing Ultima Online. When I'd stop playing, I would be going insane because I felt that I needed to play. That's called withdrawl. It got to the point where my parents actually banned me from the game, destroyed the discs and I got help for it. So do not tell me there is no such thing as addiction to video games, because you are just wrong.