I’ve always had a somewhat distrustful relationship with the question “How are you?” I felt it always lead to overly shallow and insincere...
Honestly read this as "Running from M Shadows" The first time I saw this song ....
I really want to buy this book now: 054522750X The one Mike talks about his kid having, what a great thing to be teaching kids. Mike is such an...
Add One More Light: An Online candle tribute to Chester Bennington of Linkin Park. To those that cannot attend upcoming memorial events or just...
Event is now going ahead. Facebook event for those that like that : https://www.facebook.com/events/958707614271423/?active_tab=about Or follow...
So seeing all the tributes/memorials that are taking place... I'm just wondering if there is any interest in any of you guys meeting up in...
@Foreshadowed_LP I am so happy for you dude! Did you see the new meet and greet additional photos! Yea!!!
Yea, this was my second meet and greet and there were much better with the photos the first time, last time the band came together and there was a...
Just remembered that during the meet and greet Joe likened the OML hands logo to the human centipede haha
Brad was like that last time too haha Last time I saw them I spoke mostly to Chester and it was Chester and Mike who spent most time with them,...
Yea I have a beard :) I think the people you are thinking of had tickets to Manchester, a few people did so we were talking about it before we...
Whoa you have started something @Foreshadowed_LP, I enjoyed reading that so I will do the same! I was wearing a grey Heavy hoody and an LPU...
You were in the meet and greet and from Hereford??? What??? Me too!!! Also I am so hyped right now, I asked both Chester and Mike to dedicate OML...
Separate names with a comma.