No matter what happens tonight, the anticipation that I'm feeling right now is something that I wasn't sure I'd EVER be able to feel again! Even...
Do you have any inside info as far as the future of LP or are you just alluding to Chester’s passing?
Wow this has been quite the last few weeks. I was very heartbroken to not attend the Chicago memorial. I hope you are all taking time out to spend...
Milwaukee, WI... But southeastern WI and even Chicago are realistic for me and my brothers to meet up with some of you guys for a get together.
God Bless Linkin Park. We had a great run guys, don't ever take a second for granted. I love all of you and my thoughts are prayers are going out...
I know this might go without saying but, thank you, Derek. You have given us this great platform that we are sharing all of our fond memories with...
Wow, such a beautiful talent he was, I will forever cherish my memories of seeing LP live. I'm shocked and heartbroken. Their music helped me cope...
I hate when musicians talk in cliches like this, "true to the artist." Give me a fucking break, that statement means absolutely nothing to anyone...
What does DSP stand for? If that's reference to when they had the live "bootlegs" for downloads, I completely agree. All I ever wanted was my...
Linkin Park playing a Fort Minor song is technically a cover (:
Here's what LP played, in case anyone was wondering: Papercut Rebellion Given Up (Ext. Outro) One Step Closer (Ext. Outro) A Line in the Sand...
This first band is awful. Holy shit
Finally in Milwaukee! Got da ants in mah pants!
They are finally coming to Milwaukee!!! And ADTR! Just shut up and take my money!!!!!!
Heading there as we speak! I'm wearing my Brewers Gallardo jersey, come say hi. I promise I won't bite... Hard (; But seriously.. I'm hoping...
Separate names with a comma.