far these remixes aren't that great.. I could certainly do better : /
well it sounds like a radio rip.. so im guessing a chile radio station played the song early ;)
So I'm assuming the LPA already has a April Fools joke to post on the newspage for for tommorow? haha i'm not falling for it >=D
"An added attraction is that Chester will be appearing at Tower Records, KLCC, on April 4 at 3pm to officiate the launch of the album. <b>There...
actually its not.. the original ringtone loops before the na na na extension comes in... chesters vocals seem to extend more in this too
its extended from the clip..
i was lookin around online and found a new clip... i already posted on lpunderground... is the sample for what i've done at the bottom new.. for some reason i can't...
i have high hopes for tonight or tommorow.. especially since it's friday and saturday and that's when people are home relaxing.. it makes perfect...
yeh the promo is worthless if it was to officially air on april 2nd.. kroq would be in deep shit especially since they've been saying that it...
i still think the song is going to play on kroq before this sunday..maybe mike is just out of loop.. tonight and tomm night is our best bet...
whattttt i'veeee doneee?? nothing
jeez chill out it was a joke.. it's done with and won't happen again.
im wondering how that first verse will come in from the piano intro... there is no blood....
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