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Nov 17, 2022
Mar 25, 2007
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Oh what tangled webs we weave, from New York, USA

LPA Super Member
Arlene was last seen:
Nov 17, 2022
    1. Theazninvasion68
      It is pretty sweet. :) It's a semester head-start and, if i were to drop out of all my classes, we'd be on the same amount of college credits. :lol:. Lucky on that accounting. I had to take a placement exam for my math and english in order to get into a Phys-ed(open lab) class. Ridiculous!

      I see. You look great enough to be a ballerina, so i guess it seems as though you enjoy the other half of the stage. :) Always something new eh?

      I'm registering for psych 101, poli-sci 150 (govt again. ugh.) philosophy (Critical reasoning / logic) and english 101. I really want to be done with college and find my major, then actually get a career! :lol:

      Hey, you could always be backstage management! I mean, someone needs to organize the stuff eh? And being paid to do so wouldn't hurt now. :P
    2. Theazninvasion68
      Looks and feels like your all ready for college :lol: Wows.

      Daang! French V, acting, accounting, Govt, English/Arts, AP english, pre-calc. Goodness gracious, you are one hard workin' gal. Algebra 2 is before trig. It'd be Algebra2 - > trig -> pre-calc, ect.
      Hows acting? :lol: Next biggest star coming up? :P But srsly.

      I'm guessing your enrolled in one of those Community College - High school mix of things, right? I always wanted to be in them, yet, I couldn't get in :(
    3. Theazninvasion68
      English 091 (Below the 101, which is college standard by 1 class)
      Math 070 (Algebra 2, or if it helps, Logs, Ln, Complex numbers, stuff like that)

      I know it sounds easy and all. Surly, and I do agree, it does. However, instead of the given 18 week semester, the two classes are condensed together into a quick, rushed 5 week course. That in which one class is essentially a full time job. Your essentially given a lecture per hour (3 a class) and the work that is suppose to be done in class is all homework, PLUS the homework.

      Yeah, :lol: Sorry if i sound whiney, i just miss having a social life and will most likely continue to miss it until these winter classes end.

      I've partially forgotten, your in high school right? If so, what classes are you taking? :)
    4. Theazninvasion68
      Might be a good idea not to get into bullshit for a while, you know? :P

      It's going alright for me, just intensely packed with winter classes. Goodness, Goodness. So much work!
    5. Theazninvasion68
      You live quite an eventful life eh? :lol:Hello.
    6. Trumtram
    7. Sønic
    8. Gloomy Mushroom
      Gloomy Mushroom
      happy bday arlene X)
    9. Iain
      For the record, I really am trying to download AIM, but my computer's just not letting me do it. I tried to re-install MSN as well, and that wouldn't work either. :(
    10. Iain
      Well then, I'll try to get AIM when the computer starts letting me download stuff again. I hate technology this week. :lol:
    11. Iain
      I'll try to get that downloaded today, but I'm not sure if I can. My computer's acting weird. Normally, it'll download fine, but today, it's not letting anything do anything.

      Actually, you know what? Do you have a Gmail account?
    12. Iain

    13. Dean
      :hug: my sleeping pattern still isn't back to normal. it probably ought to be soon as i only have tomorrow and the weekend til i'm back at school.
    14. Dean
      I'll possibly be up then, otherwise I'll just leave you stuff on Facebook.
    15. Dean
      Yeah, I can probably explain it to you sometime if you want to know.
    16. Dean
      Not yet, as far as I can tell. It was a more-than-friends related thing.
    17. Dean
      Basically: I got really drunk last night and almost as soon as I was on my own I had some sort of mini-breakdown. It felt pretty bad.

      Then I came home and got into an argument with a friend.
    18. Dean
      Being online tonight shouldn't be a problem for me. Don't hold me to that though, because I haven't had much sleep recently so I might have drifted off by then. We'll see though.

    19. Dean
      I'll hold you to that, haha. If we ever meet in person you can make up for it then. :P

      It was really good to talk to you earlier, anyway. I'll try to start posting stuff here or on Facebook, or messaging you here or on Facebook more often. :hug:
    20. Dean
      So yeah, I'll be on AIM at some point.

      Btw, you're beautiful. On the outside and inside.
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    May 22
    Home Page:
    New York, USA
    Sales Associate
    Working, Enjoying Life, Family Across the Nightingale Floor, The Grapes of Wrath, The Great Gatsby,



    I wanna cut through my skin​
    And pull you within​
    My heart burns like the SUN
    As our flesh becomes ONE
    I n t h e d a r k n e s s