I was thinking of being the wife of Frankenstein, and have my twin brother be Frankenstein. We've always dressed up together, it's real fun. But I...
All American Rejects-Move Along
I think my parents are close to divorce, they argue every living second of every day. I just want them to get it over with already so I don't have...
Hey my name's Amanda, hope to see you around the forums! :) Have fun! Bye, :wave:
definately one step closer
I personally wouldn't want to get a tattoo of any band or artist, cause my opinions of bands change like every week! haha, just my opinion though,...
no, I don't think it's in the wrong forum...
Hi, nice to have you here, hope you enjoy it here at the forums! :wave:
ya, I went in there one time too, and was like "hello, HELLO!" "no one's in here" So I left and never returned :P
Ashlee Simpson's I Am Me I've been waiting, seems like it's taking forever though! Only Nine more days!
Arby's food
ya, me too! :lol:
Oh, my god Franz is such a unique band, I just love their sound....
I'm in photography, it's one of the best classes I've ever taken. It's so fun! I'm also in swimming, which is really fun as well.
Hi, nice to have you here, my name's Amanda. Hope to see you around, later!
Separate names with a comma.