Highlight: None I guess lowlight: I played sh*t with my violin today! Ergh, I'm lucky Magali (My teacher) wasn't there to hear me!
Highlight - John came by and gave me a stuffed pink bunny and a kiss! Lowlight - I'm freezing cold. brrr.
Highlight: Probably listening to music. Today was boring. Lowlight: My good computer broke so I have to use the old bad one .
using up all the ink on printing linkin park pictures i had a very boring day and im gonna have four more
Highlight: Went to see 'Dans une galaxie près de chez vous' yesterday and it's the funniest movie ever!
high: My closest friend is getting married in two weeks.. low: I got distracted and didn't do my school work.. -_-
Highlight: Getting Marylou's and seeing the Pina Bus with Marielle and Cynthia. Lowlight: It was a very boring Monday.
Highlight: The Indians won their home opener 6 to 3 against the Twins. Travis Hafner hit a grand slam and I called it (before he got up to the plate, the bases were loaded, and I said, "He's going to hit a grand slam, you watch," and he did). It's also their 10-year anniversary at Jacob's Field, so that made the win even more better. Lowlight: .......School tomorrow.
highlight: Being out in the sun all day lowlight: Having to wait 1month and 2days to see Incubus live Why cant I see them tomorrow Why do I have to wait
Highlight - Sleeping late. Lowlight - The Phillies lost yet another game. Their record is now 1-6. Just absolutely horrible.
Highlight: Seeing the new Spider-man 2 trailer on t.v. for the first time. 2 months and 17 days left!! Lowlight: I have to study today if I want to pass my exams. :angry: