Going into town and eating the spiciest buffalo chicken wrap ever...then buying the best popcorn ever. They freaking mixed sugar and salt in it, it was SO AWESOME!
Joining in when Muse (time is running out) came onto the radio and everyone started singing it during dinner. Funny as hell...considering Ben (Teacher and great friend) jumped onto a table XD
Buying Limp Bizkit's Results May Vary cd. Also, I got a lot of nominations for Homecoming Princess. Weird... :whistle:
Seeing Story of the Year's video for "Until The Day I Die" and Dan wearing the same Letter Kills shirt as me which he also wore when SOTY came to Boston.
Finding out my ISP increased my speed from 256kbps to 2mbps, then getting digital cable..all in the same day
Doodling during a lecture so that my notes were all surrounded by the word "bored." I also drew a representation of a cookie that tastes like sexual prowess.