Everyone has a fear of something. The bravest person in the galaxy is afraid of something. In this thread post the things that you seriously are afraid of. My list is: Fear of clowns (I literally can't stand them, I get a huge wave of anxiety when I'm around them) Heights (Can't be anywhere high up, I literally feel sick when I'm high up because I'm terrified to look down, thet's why I hate flying)
I am scared of rabbits (I know, completely weird) I am scared of swimming in open water which is very deep, where I cannot see all the way down (though I'd probably be scared if I could see all the way down, too). [EDIT] Never experiencing anything meaningful in life. Like Kate said, dying without leaving a mark on history. The bravest person in the galaxy is probably afraid of being made to wear Princess Leia's golden bikini and hair-buns.
I'm terrified of heights (which makes some of my antics a little more interesting). I'm also afraid of dying without leaving a mark on history.
I guess my main fears are of open water, particualy way out at sea (Though i'm not affraid of sinking or falling in when i'm on a ship, which is weird.), becoming completely imobile and/or dying without my dignity and losing loved ones, or at least losing them without being able to say goodbye properly. I am afriad of other things, but besides those three, i thrive off my other fears. Weird though it may sound. I love fear really. Such as rollercoasters. I do get scared as i'm going up the chain at the begining, but that's the best bit. I'm an adrenoline junkie really. But i am far from fearless. EDIT: I also hate being restrained. If i can't move i get really tense. It's sort of like claustraphobia, but not quite since i'm not scared of small spaces as such.
Well.. the main thing I'm afraid of is losing the ones I love. They're my inspiration, and support, and I just wouldn't have any willpower without them. Besides that.. the main things are losing my eyesight and I'm afraid open water, too. Dark and deep, when I can't basically see anything. Aaand spiders.. I freak out when I see spiders. And in particular I'm terrified of walking 2 km through the forest on a narrow, deserted road. In the dark. Had bad experience. I can't really name anything else, since I tend to freak out a lot at small things. Might be because I have a really vivid imagination, or because I'm just weird.
I have a fear of dying pointlessly, letting down my friends, not making a difference, of heartbreak, losing someone else, and being responsible for the downfall of those I love.
I'm afraid I won't be enough for my girlfriend and I'll cause more pain than give her happiness. And I'm afraid I'll be so selfish that I'd kill myself if she leaves me.
I'm afraid of cockroaches and my family getting hurt. I'm also afraid the new Machine Head album will not be as good as expected =(
it won't be, Rob Flynn is washed up. --- I, like Hellflame, am afraid of Clowns and Heights. I want to punch the living fuck out of Ronald McDonald if he ever comes near me with those Hamburglars again.
I have a serious fear of the ocean. I can barely even touch it and I won't go in past my knees and that is only if I'm FORCED to do it. once my mom was just talking about swimming in the ocean and how there were these giant goldfish that were nibbling on her toes and I burst into tears. I just can't take it. Other than that I'm pretty fearless. At least that's what I've been told by everyone. I just dont' want others to get hurt so I try to look out for them. I'm not stupid, i'm just not afraid. I love the sound and the look of the ocean, but it's the scariest thing in the universe.
1) im afraid that ill get a call from my girlfriend anyday sayin that its over cause she cant handle the distance 2) spiders - i find them really interesting but they get bigger than a 5p coin nd i start to freak 3) having an asthma attack without anybody there to help, note: i lost my inhaler
I'm not afraid of animals like spiders and stuff, I'm not particulary afraid of heights either or of clowns... I'm just afraid that when I leave school I won't find a job I really like, which could happen very easily. That I'll never find someone who I truely love and who truely loves me to spend my life with. That I won't be able to have a good life because I have too much work or not enough money or something like that. And maybe for everyone else, that the world will become such a miserable place, everyone becomes really depressed. Basically I'm afraid of my future, and at the same time I wish it'll come faster.
i suffer from asthma, and when i had an attack luckily the neighbor was dropping something off and she saw me, if she hadn't i wouldn't be talking to you now. scariest thing in the whole world.