I was surprised there isn't a thread for this already! Mine is the ending to Waiting For The End where Chester falls down deliberately on his knees, while finishing his line "Holding onto what I haven't got" and then the lights fade out.. First time they played in two years, at the Best Buy Theater in New York City. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbCv6VNfdhM from 4:36
My favorite live moment is basically the whole live performance of A Place For My Head at Rock Am Ring 2004.
Definitely has to be Chester holding that 17 second scream from Given Up live in Montreal 08'. I think it's the only time he's done it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcFWgnhsx_c&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
I don't think there's a video of the exact moment [ending of Faint, leading into When They Come for Me], but when LP played in Newcastle on 05.11.10 late last year, Mike thanked the crowd from spending Guy Fawkes night with LP, and thanked the crowd (in a sarcastic voice) for laying on fireworks as a welcome for them even though its a tradition in the UK!
There's a lot of good moments, but my personal favorite is APFMH over Bleed it Out. When I saw it live, I almost screamed my lungs out. If only I didn't see it coming, it would have just been that much more insane.
That's what she said. Mine has to be Leave Out All The Rest Acoustic and The Messenger Acoustic live at the LPU London Summit. [YOUTUBE]n9csST4Fn54[/YOUTUBE] /ShamelesslypromotingmyvideoandLPA'sYouTubeChannel. Yeah, I know the quality of the audio in this video is crap but it's special to me because I filmed it, lol.
A lot of moments... Ones that come to mind are Qwerty from Summer Sonic 2006, the first time I ever heard the 19 second clip as well as the HQ mp3 NMS and GU from Berlin 2007, when they both first came online. I stayed up for like a day to get them. Haha. I remember the night My first LP show, Bamboozle 2007, when at the beginning of OSC which opened the set, he screamed 'New Jersey' and did the monkey jump. Way too many to count...I've been to 12 LP shows so far and a lot of them were special shows, so I'd list all of those. Such as: Bamboozle (first US show since 05 if you count Live 8 or MFR), Edgefest (BTH opening, followed by PMA and WID), ATS release show
I haven't either... and I probably won't for the next 5-6 years, until the next world tour... if they include India. I still have a favourite moment though. I just forgot that! How could I! That definitely is in my best moments! I wonder if they could do both the drum solo and the APFMH bridge... would be insane I guess.
Seeing them live for the first time at the House of Blues in 07 is mine. It felt so surreal to finally see my favorite band live.
Too many to name. But it I had to pick one....I might say Live In Texas, Chester's scream in From The Inside. I don't know why.....But I love it.
My favorite live moment was on the live in Frankfurt on november 2010, when Mike sang the first part of Reading My Eyes! And i was there!! Was such an awesome concert!!
Numb Intro in combination with the energetic crowd at RAR 2004: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIaXYIEQivk When Mike joins Chester at the middle of the stage to finish Papercut: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBcoXRZb6F0 The Medley at RAR 2004: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jxVzt-Hvcw The final scream(s) in Faint at RAR 2007: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goFZCPc-ysc The intro in Hamburg (2007), every bandmember entered the stage in a spotlight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6sXtoogtLE And the Laola at the same concert, 18 rounds. Never seen that before at a concert: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puMHfYihuQA&feature=related Intro in Hannover 2008: The curtain was cool^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68wEFf1h8ig Meeting the band for the first time in 2007 and the Breaking the habit-Performance at the Download-Festival 2004 (i love it, when they try to stop laughing while the performance) were also awesome =) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvtjzlMwFDA Sorry, i wasn´t able to choose just one highlight
When Chester was throwing his fist in the air while chanting "thieves and hypocrites" from No More Sorrow at MSG. It was just so epic. [video=youtube;f99XfDDQoko]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f99XfDDQoko[/video]
I have a couple. First is obviously me being on stage. Thats not surprising is it. Second would have to be listening to TLTGYA and The Messenger stripped back to just an acoustic. Not mic or anything. Just raw music. Nothing can replace that. Also BIO with the APFMH Bridge is just to epic not to mention. Lastly, ill throw this in. Being one of the first shows to witness Blackout Live. I love the song and was going crazy when I heard it.