Dream Theater - Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory Genre : Progressive Metal Feels all over the place, in a good way. This will take lot more listens to absorb
Nara Leão - Nara Bossa nova, música popular brasileira Silvio Rodríguez - Días y flores Nueva trova, folk Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory You know what genre this is come on WHOOOOOOOOO let's go! If you haven't listened to it with the lyrics in from of you, do that! It helped me put it all together a lot more since I'm very visual when it comes to putting more elaborate concepts together. "Overture 1928," "Strange Déjà Vu," "The Dance of Eternity," and "One Last Time" are some of my favorite Dream Theater moments. And honestly most of the other tracks aren't far behind. <3 Also, this album is a kind-of sequel to the song "Metropolis Part 1 - The Miracle and the Sleeper," on Images and Words. The original was meant as a joke title if I remember correctly, but then they decided to actually make a part two after fans asked so much about it. They originally wrote a 30 minute piece for their fourth album, but that then turned into its own full album for their fifth release. Scenes from a Memory has a lot of lyrical and motific callbacks to that song (especially in "The Dance of Eternity"!). So when you (hopefully) get around to that album, you'll make a few connections!
Thank you for the guidance / context on this If there is one thing I could make out from this first listen, it is that there'll be a loooot to unpack for sure, I think I'll come back to this album for quite a while. It's also kinda fun for me, because I have often watched music theory / guitar lessons on youtube made by a guy named Jake Lizzio (great educational content btw !), and he has mentioned every now and then how much Dream Theater has influenced him. Hearing the band now for the first time - kinda- I can definitely hear the connection between their music and the theory / kind of stuff that teacher gravitates toward. Anyhow, really good first impression, although a bit overwhelming, but again, in a good way!
Dvne - Etemen Ænka Genre: Progressive Metal / Post-Metal Parius - The Eldritch Realm Genre: Progressive Death Metal
The Callous Daoboys - Celebrity Therapist Genre: Mathcore Car Bomb - Mordial Genre: Mathcore I need to dive more into mathcore stuff
Vukovi - MY GOD HAS GOT A GUN Genre: Alternative Rock FFO: Linkin Park Fair to Midland - Fables from a Mayfly: What I Tell You Three Times Is True Genre: Progressive Rock Fuck, this is incredible. I love how this sounds so unique but still catchy af Seriously listen to the choruses of songs like "Tall Tales Taste Like Sour Grapes" and "The Wife, The Kids, and the White Picket Fence"